An Exploration of Deception in Paula Gosling's Short Story "Killer"

Categories: Plot

Short stories often provide a unique challenge to authors, requiring them to convey complex themes within a limited framework of settings and characters. In the case of Paula Gosling's "Killer," the predominant theme is deception. This essay delves into the narrative conventions employed by the author—style or mood, plot, and characterisation—to skillfully explore and express the theme of deception.

The Role of Style or Mood in Conveying Deception

The narrative convention of style or mood plays a pivotal role in shaping the reader's understanding of the characters and the unfolding events.

It serves as a lens through which the main character is revealed. In "Killer," the style is dark and gruesome, creating an atmosphere that mirrors the protagonist's actions—a cat engaging in acts of violence, including the murder of a neighbor's budgie.

As the text describes, "she twisted and turned and struggled, but he got her, he finished her." This vivid language sets the tone, immersing the reader in the dark mood that permeates the story.

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Gosling skillfully uses this mood to align the narrative with the actions and motivations of the main character. The mood becomes a crucial foundation, shaping the story in ways that would be impossible without this atmospheric element.

The Intricacies of Plot: Deception Unraveled

The narrative convention of plot emerges as a cornerstone in the exploration of deception within "Killer." The plot, serving as the backbone of the story, is a labyrinth of misdirection, leading readers to initially believe they are following the actions of a human hit-man.

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This intentional confusion is evident in lines such as, "No other self-respecting cat would have put up with that damned budgie staring and screeching at him for another single day."

Gosling skillfully weaves a tale that captivates the reader, compelling them to unravel the layers of deception as the story progresses. Sentences like "standing, staring and pointing at a scatter of green and blue" create an air of mystery, keeping readers engaged and eager to decipher the true nature of the narrative. The plot's intricacies are central to the success of "Killer," as they propel the reader forward with a sense of curiosity and anticipation.

Characterisation: Breathing Life into Deception

Characterisation, the art of imbuing characters with depth and personality, emerges as the third narrative convention vital to the exploration of deception in "Killer." Despite the limited number of characters in the story, Gosling masterfully employs this convention to provide a rich portrayal of the main character—a cat with human-like traits.

The cat is depicted as a secretive and suspicious individual, avoiding the bringing of work home. Lines like "nobody knew his business. He kept to his routine, was always well-mannered when he met one of them on the street" elevate the deception by attributing human characteristics to a feline protagonist. Gosling further intensifies this by describing the cat as an expert with a downtown reputation, creating an intriguing dissonance between the expected and the revealed.

While characterisation may not be the focal point, its absence would render the story flat and unremarkable. In "Killer," it serves as the glue that binds the other narrative elements together, elevating the narrative from a mere plot to a captivating and deceptive story.

Harmony of Narrative Conventions

It is the harmonious interplay of these narrative conventions—style or mood, plot, and characterisation—that transforms Paula Gosling's ostensibly ordinary short story, "Killer," into a brilliant, suspenseful narrative with a deceptive twist. The success lies in the author's adept use of these conventions to express the overarching theme of deception.

The dark and gruesome style or mood sets the stage, creating an immersive atmosphere that aligns with the actions of the cat protagonist. The intricate plot weaves a web of deception, challenging the reader's initial perceptions and keeping them engrossed. Characterisation breathes life into the story, giving the feline character human-like traits that add layers of complexity to the narrative.

In conclusion, "Killer" stands as a testament to the power of narrative conventions in shaping the reader's experience. Gosling's adept use of style, plot, and characterisation elevates the short story beyond the ordinary, making it a compelling exploration of deception. The reader is reminded that, much like the narrative itself, one should never judge a book solely by its cover.

Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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An Exploration of Deception in Paula Gosling's Short Story "Killer" essay
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