The role of uniform in karate

Categories: Clothes

Karate is one of the most popular forms of martial arts. It's a very organized sport complete with training and a uniform. This uniform is known as gi. It seems the uniform evolved from Judo uniform. Apart from learning how to deliver those very powerful kicks and strikes, you need to know how to put on karate gi. This is important in allowing you more flexible movements and comfort when competing. It's not a matter of just throwing the gi on your body.

Karate gi come in various sizes and different materials. There are lightweight, super middle weight and heavyweight uniforms. Cotton and other light fabrics are common materials for the gi.

Cotton absorbs sweat better and is more tough suitable the rapid movements. Wearing your karate uniform correctly gives you some advantages. So how do you put it on to get maximum benefit? Let's get down to the secret. Put on your pants and jacket normally. Move the right flap of the jacket towards your left.

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Raise your right hand as you hold down the belt with the left hand. Then bring the left flap over the right flap. Raise the left hand as you hold down the belt. Then bend forward and adjust the back of the jacket. Finally bend backwards while holding the belt down.

The karate belt is tied by holding the label end with your right hand, then wrap the other end around your waist twice. Pass the non-label end under the two belt layers from below and fold it to face down.

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Take the label end to the right under the non-label. Bring them to make a tight knot. Both ends of the belt should hang at equal lengths, if not then repeat. This procedure makes you more free avoiding limiting movements. It also gives you more comfort and a feeling of satisfaction. You will find that you can stretch yourself with much ease. This is essential in boosting your confidence and morale. You don't want your fighting spirit to be held down by poorly worn uniform. The correct way of putting on the gi will allow you to turn quickly at any angle without any restriction.

At the same time your uniform will not be strained. The good news is that with a couple of practice, you will master this correct way of wearing the uniform. The bad news is that if you don't learn it, you will appear beaten even before the competition starts. A long the same line and to give a smarter appearance to correct wearing, you need the right size of uniform. As mentioned above there sizes for kids and adults. If you put on a larger or smaller size you will appear awkward. It may also restrict your actions. It is much easier to put on correctly a karate gi that fits you well; not too tight, not too loose. You can also choose the uniform from a variety of colors. And there you go. Well set for your lovely sport. Always bring out the best in you starting from correctly putting on you gi.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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The role of uniform in karate. (2024, Feb 02). Retrieved from

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