The Role Of Computers & Social Media in Today's Age

Computers are become part of our lives. People usually done their works by it. Computers plays important role in every field of life. The use of computer has been increasing in our lives. Everything is done with a help of a computer. It became a common part of everyday's life. Some people think that the computers have made our life more comfortable but others have a negative point of views also. There are many advantages of using computers as well as disadvantages.

Our lives is bounded in using these technologies as it is need for everyone.

Computers are everything in our modern life. Almost, every bussiness centers have computers and we do our works by computers. As far as, computers is used for education. Furthermore, it makes our life more easier and reliable but on the other hand it has negative impact on young generations. The attention of people get shorter the more time they spend on computers and they become less interested in reading books.

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Many youth don't make eye contact not because they ashamed or something else but the reason is they are busy in communicating through screen.Their body language effected as their difficulty in making eye contact. It makes more focus on screens and unaware from real world.This is why Computer makes people more lazier and isolated as they don't see world physically.

From past years, when there were no modern technologies and people having very good contact of eye to eye and face to face and they were well known about the nature and real world.

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People were communicate through sending letters by post. Sending letters by traveling relatives. Sending letters through dedicated messengers on horseback. Signal communication like drums, fire, flags, banners etc. But now computers make people more dependent, as they don't want to do work by their hands so machines does. It makes people lazier and unaware from discovering new world.

Modern technologies like computers, laptops, mobile Phones etc comforts Human's life. Now People's having more calling, tweeting, instagramming rather than eye contact others.Everyone have earphones plugged in, while walking through streets, using mobile phones and don't see whats going on around the real world.Teenager's educations badly effected by these technologies as they waste much of their times on use of social media, internet, gaming etc.

In Today's age, Social media plays important role in our life. Social media that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or mobile phones. Most of the people engage with this electronic devices. It connects people to communicate all over the world.It allows people to share knowledge,create and communicate to people of all over the world. Now, Teachers are able to easily collaborate and communicate with students and one another through computers.

Students have free access to resources online to help them for learning.But on the other hand, it has unseen effects of computers that can harm people. It has advantages as well as disadvantages. People waste much of their time by using Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter etc. It badly affected on education of childrens while it is not good for youth also. There are many websites which creates hacking by bringing people's personal information and harm them. Excessive spending time on Computers causes human's heath badly. It causes eye infection while spend much time on watching video, games etc. Futhermore, it causes mood swings and change of attitude with others. In addition,for a computer addiction, Childrens usually telling lies that they are doing homework on computers but actually playing games. People spend more time online rather than taking that time with family , friends. Computer provides advance communications from all over the world. It engages people isolated and bounded to providing excessive amount of real knowledge as well as fake knowledge. Computers do all our work by itself so we dependent on it.

SmartPhones technology, as it is a good source of intouch to our loved ones that live other sites. It entertain people from its various functions.People easily takes photos, listen music while walking and traveling. People that live in other country easily communicate by video calling, chating etc. It has alot of advantages as well as disadvantages.It decrease the human ability. For instance, now a days everyone is focusing on social media apps, that distract the communication and working level.An individual even cant see the things clearly due to this smartphones as it shows many propaganda. It decreases their interactions to other people and circumstances in real world.

Television is also a computer as it shows different channels.For instance , News Channels update people from all circumstances going throughout the day and night. It conveys information to people about every issues of a city or a country.Media plays important role in everywhere.There is also lot of Channels that entertain people and somehow waste their alot of time as they seat towards the television all day and night.

Education system is basically based on Computer systems so that it stores all records about Students. It easily communicate with students by knowing their records. Computers Brain have more memory storage than a human can't handle.People dependent on it, without these technology people can't deal with this type of work. For this reason, People usually use these technologies to done their work. In Mathematical, Computers have more aspects to solve problems nor by people now a days. Einstein and other mathematical scientists discovered equations and solve different types of problems.Only few people discover new theories. Now People only take benefits from their theories but nor discover new theory .So in this way, Computer solve many equations by its self. For this Reason, Computer plays important role in Science.

In shops, there is alot of things that covers by computers systems. Shopkeepers usually don't need to worry and remember their products so a computer does. It records all products in its storage memory so people take benefits from these technologies.In modern age, advanced technologies make people more reliable. For this reason, Computers are our need for accomplish tasks.

I think computers are good source to communicate people from all over the world.Where ever we are, we can easily communicate by phones.Mobile Phones are much corporated to people so they can easily talk and get informative. In ancient times, when there is no phones so people send their messages by post and letters, it took so much days to deliver a single message But now it takes less than a second to deliver mail or messages. Furthermore, weather Broadcast is based upon it so we get updated by changing weather. People's thinking about discover new things decreases, as compared to the old times. To some extent, it makes people unable to read books and give time to their fellows and friends.Reading books and articles makes me more smarter.It increases my creative imagination skills that a Computer can't.

But, Computers has been with humans since very early on. One should not simply apply the term technology to the most recent types of information technology appliances and gadgets. Computer is tools. Humans have been tool users, and more importantly tool makers for many millennia.

Recently I heard someone lament how everyone on the train is just looking into their smartphones and tablets. They blamed “technology” for the apparent isolation. It’s easy to fall into this trap. The strange thing is, this person was at least my age or perhaps even a bit older, so we would both remember a time when before all these gadgets on public transport people were doing pretty much the same. Only they’d be reading the newspaper, or a book, or just stare out the window. I even remember back in my childhood. Human societies can be a contradiction at times. We are social, but we are also political. We like to be among people, but we also like to reserve our right to interact with people when it suits us.

Updated: Feb 19, 2024
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The Role Of Computers & Social Media in Today's Age. (2024, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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