Social Media Friend Or Foe; Impact Of The Social Media

At the beginning of the day most people brush their teeth and wash their face others look on to twitter to see what's trending or how many liked their previous post received. They wake up looking through them, enjoying pictures, remarking, sharing, tweeting, etc. There will never be someone who isn't associated through an internet-based life stage in one way or another. Social media has turned out to be an enormous piece of our lives, and the majority of us can't live without it.

We spend each waking second captivating with it, learning and accepting new data, thoughts, and ideas through it. This has formed our way of life, our general public, and, maybe, even our general perspective on life.So social media friend or foe ?

 In this essay Firstly I will be showing how social media can influence writing. Secondly, I will be focusing on how social media can become toxic for couples. Lastly, I will show how being with your phone can do more harm than good.

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Social media can be a major issue for relationships and can be toxic as a foe. In the article “Social Media’s impact on the heartbroken college student” it doesn’t show any statistics like the other articles show but is opinionated instead. When the author says “social media doesn't seem to be making matters any better for your heartbroken soul. The temptation to 'check-up' on an ex is very present” shows they don’t have any facts. This is showing they don’t have proof that social media has an impact on relationships.

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In the article ”scientists study homophobia” it shows how being on the phone too much could have a major impact on college students. People that have a cell phone can have more problems other than social media. In the other articles, one was opinionated not focusing on the facts and the other was showing more factual statistics. In the article it’s stated, “From keeping our calendars, getting directions, and communicating instantly with others, to helping us answer any questions we might have about the state of our world or the people in it, our dependence on devices is increasing.” This shows that phones itself cause a bigger issue more than just social media.

In the article “Students Write LOL in Notebooks” the author is explaining the lack of proper grammar use. They are saying that proper grammar use should always be used when writing papers. Social media in general is deteriorating grammar that teachers have helped students develop. Not only is it teens that are suffering from this but adults as well. The usage of acronyms can cause a failing paper or a low score from a teacher. Slang terms can have a major impact on how people speak and write every day and could mean they can constantly say things improperly.

As fast as web-based social networking has suggested itself into legislative issues, the work environment, home life and somewhere else, it keeps on developing at lightning speed, making it dubious to foresee what direction it will transform straightaway. It's difficult to review now, yet, Friendster and were each once the following enormous thing, while one survivor has kept on developing in amazing manners. In 2006, Facebook had 7.3 million enrolled clients and supposedly turned down a $750 million buyout offer. In the principal quarter of 2019, the organization could guarantee 2.38 billion dynamic clients, with a market capitalization floating around a large portion of a trillion dollars.

During the previous decade, online long range interpersonal communication has caused significant changes in the manner individuals convey and connect. It is hazy, be that as it may, regardless of whether a portion of these progressions may influence certain ordinary parts of human conduct and cause mental issues. A few examinations have shown that the drawn out utilization of person to person communication locales for example, Facebook, might be identified with signs and side effects of sadness. Also, a few creators have shown that specific Social media exercises may be related with low confidence, particularly in kids and youths. Different investigations have introduced inverse outcomes regarding positive effect of long range interpersonal communication on confidence.

In Conclusion, sometimes people go through things when they don't have their phones and one of those things is withdrawal.Teens have a big impact on today's society and so does social media. At the point when social media rings a bell, many think about their Instagram records, or what number of preferences they got from a tweet they impacted out at the beginning of today. While it is imperative to address and comprehend the full effect of online networking on teens, it is likewise critical to consider the parts of how it influences relational correspondence what's more, connections.So got up to speed in this tornado of stunning preferences, offers, and tweets, relatively few notices how internet based life has been forming our general public, how addictive it is, and how it has been impacting our contemplations, activities, security, and certainty.  

Works cited

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Updated: Feb 15, 2024
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Social Media Friend Or Foe; Impact Of The Social Media. (2024, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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