The Pros and Cons of a Mandatory Community Service Program

The implementation of mandatory community service is, first off, damaging to the high school students who actually volunteer of their own free will. The reason for the damage is due to the fact that the high school students who volunteer of their own free will seem less special during certain college's acceptance letter processing, when compared to all of his or her rivals who are applying to the same school. Due to the fact that all of the rivals of the high school student who volunteered of their own free will would have volunteer hours that would accent their, possibly, better academic record.

The implementation of mandatory community service could also damage the high school students who volunteer for community service of their own free will by taking away volunteer opportunities that were previously available to the volunteer. The implementation of mandatory community service, thus, damages the chances of the high school student who volunteers of his or her own free will of getting into a prestigious college despite his or her own commitment to use his or her own precious free time to find volunteer work and actually volunteer for community service.

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Secondly, the implementation of mandatory community service would only put more stress on students who already have a very stressful schedule. Naturally, high schools always have students who do not have the time to volunteer due to, maybe, personal issues, jobs, the need to help out with the family, or just, simply, too much schoolwork. With the introduction of a mandatory community service program, their finely balanced schedule would simply crumble, for some this mandatory community program would definitely destroy their schedule or take away from what precious free time those high school students have.

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That increased stress and, most likely, taking away of free time would, also most likely, result in increased depression rates, which would also, most likely, lead to a lack of motivation to work and, thus, decreased academic performance.

Despite the shortcomings of this program, there is one positive aspect that would result from the implementation forced community service program. That one aspect would be that the less motivated high school students with an extraordinary amount of free time would then be forced to actually do something in high school. However, the negative results of the implementation of the forced community program would be too much to simply push onto the other high school students and, thus, the system would simply be illogical to use. So, in the end, the implementation of the forced community service program would be illogical and, most likely, useless to use.

Updated: Nov 18, 2022
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The Pros and Cons of a Mandatory Community Service Program. (2022, Nov 18). Retrieved from

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