The Power Of Color

Categories: Color

According to Oscar Wilde, “mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways,” that is the power inherent in color. Passing the right message through colors, either at home, school, office or other places, depends mainly on having the right color design ideas. Color is so important that it impacts on convertibility of websites – purpose of selling for ecommerce and retention of visitors. There are color combination for home that does not work for office or school.

Also, there are colors that work for the exterior part of a house but don’t work for the interior part. In this article, our focus will be more on color selection for the interior design of a home which include your living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen etc.

Color is everything and according to Wassily Kandinsky, “color is a power which directly influences the soul. And if what you actually desire is a living room worthy that is worthy of showing up in any standard interior and home décor magazine, you need to get your color combination acumen to be at its best and not just pick a color because it is very attractive, as this is not the only factor considered while planning the house painting designs and colors.

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The colors you pick for a particular room of your apartment, should be all-round and well-balanced, paying deliberate and meticulous attention to the colors of your walls, floors, or furniture. As a matter of fact, your artwork should also be considered and complement each other if you must have a perfect view.

Some of the colors combinations that can give that spark you want to your living room include: Orange, Blue and Gray colors can enlighten your living room.

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The wallpaper is made of fresh orange with a bright blue painting. With this, you can have a gray zigzag carpeting with neutral furniture.

Charcoal Gray with a touch of Navy Blue form a sort of perfect bond making your room look modern. And with natural wood accents, multihued furniture and a green rug, you have a sort of lighten up and inviting environment.

Purple with a touch of Pink have the capacity of creating a unique statement when used in any interior part. The rug or carpet on the floor will take the purple color while the wallpaper is the pink. The furniture can as well have a neutral color to balance up this combo.

Purple and Red Combo beautifully makes sense when coordinated together, such that, both colors sit next to next like what is obtainable on a color wheel. This gives your living room an inviting and catchy

Coffee with a touch of Cream has a sort of soothing effect. The sofa and furniture in general could have a brown color accented with cream and gray-patterned throw pillows. The wall could also be made of gray, although, light and the floor a plush tan carpet. Some of these color combinations work perfectly for other rooms like bedroom etc.

Then for your kitchen, you can go for a combo of gray, white, red, blue, green yellow because all these colors will make your kitchen really look enticing. Red in its various shades is a warmer color which could help to stimulate appetite. The floor could take the gray color as well as for cabinets and countertops. The blue could go for the wall as well as the cabinets. In as much as all these colors work for the kitchen, they are fine for the dining.

In conclusion, color is life and as matter of fact, it is everything. It determines the mood anyone could have within those inner rooms. Therefore, it is imperative that while trying to set up either of your living room, bedroom, kitchen or dining room, the right color combinations are used. These will not only make those rooms attractive, but also determine the level of productivity that could occur there. I end with a quote from Marc Jacobs, “To me, beauty and makeup and color are like the finishing touch on everything”.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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