The management and the Human Resource

To solve and to alleviate the issue on staff crisis, the management of any organization must be able to handle their workers in the most effective and efficient manner. One way to make employees stay is to motivate them. Frederick Herzberg says, in his theory on Motivation-Hygiene, there are factors which affect the attitude of an employee. Factors which lead to dissatisfaction include supervision, company policy, relationship with the boss, salary, working conditions and relationship with the peers.

On the other hand, the factors which lead to satisfaction include recognition, the work itself, achievement, advancement, responsibility and growth.

This implies that the management must provide hygiene factors to employees to avoid dissatisfaction. According to Herzberg, the job must be a challenging one to fully utilize the ability of the employees, those employees who are demonstrating a high level of ability must be given bigger responsibilities and the management must consider automating a job should an employee cannot handle it properly.

He also added that motivation problem arises when an employee cannot be fully utilized.

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(http://www. netmba. com/mgmt/ob/motivation/herzberg/) Having those factors considered, it is important for an organization to pay close attention to the attitude of their workers. The management must be able to assess the behaviour of the workers; since their behaviour affects the kind of services they give to their clients. To retain the best people, the management must make sure that the employees who work for them work with passion – which means the employees love their job and are truly committed to the vision of the company.

Otherwise, employees can easily be tempted.

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The management and the Human Resource Department must be able to develop programs regarding employee retention and motivation. As mentioned in the Motivation-Hygiene Theory that employees need to be recognized for a job well done, they need to feel the sense of belongingness in the company in which they work, they need to be exposed to personal and professional development programs and they must be responsible-driven individuals.

Programs relating to the above mentioned motivating factors may include giving bonus to the employees who perform exemplary performance for a given period and a rewarding ceremony every year to recognize employees who are doing extraordinary performance. Another motivation theory which the management needs to work into is Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. According to him, it is much important that the leadership of the management must be active regarding employee motivation. In his model of the theory, it is said that the highest level of employee motivation is self-actualization.

The pyramid of the theory include (from top to bottom) Self-Actualization, Esteem Needs, Social Needs, Safety Needs and Physiological Needs. He also mentioned that the management must provide employees with opportunities to motivate them through various management styles, compensation roles, and definition and company activities. (http://www. envisionsoftware. com/Management/Maslows_Needs_Hierarchy. html) It is clearly stated in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that the management must provide activities and programs for each level of man’s needs.

What’s most important is for the management to offer challenging works and responsibilities to employees to fully enhance their capabilities. Along with the challenging tasks assigned to them, the management must offer a salary and benefits scheme which the employee can hardly refuse. The management must also be able to encourage employees to work harder and with passion so that they can be able to give the best services to their clientele. In addition, Victor Vroom, in his theory of Expectancy stated that and employee’s performance is based on factors such as skills, knowledge, personality, abilities and experiences.

It is also mentioned in the theory that every individual differ in their goals and each is believed to be motivated through rewards. Expectancy theory is based on the three beliefs: Valence, Expectancy and Instrumentality. (http://www. valuebasedmanagement. net/methods_vroom_expectancy_theory. html) To relate these motivation theories to the problem of the case mentioned in the previous item, it must be noted and applied by the management the concepts on employee motivation.

The hospital management must be able to make their employees committed to their work through the provision of a good compensation package, giving them a challenging task and safe workplace. Moreover, the management must hire staffs that work with passion, since their clients are patients and patients need to be well-taken cared off. The management of the hospital must also cultivate into the minds of their staffs that working in a health care organization does not only mean cash but the work itself requires a heart – to care and love their work and their patients.

References: Envision Software. (2007). Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. Retrieved on 1 April 2009 at [WWW] http://www. envisionsoftware. com/Management/Maslows_Needs_Hierarchy. html. NetMBA. (2007). Herzberz Motivation-Hygiene Theory . Retrieved on 1 April 2009 at [WWW] http://www. netmba. com/mgmt/ob/motivation/herzberg/. Romney, L & Gold, S. (2007). State is sued over hospital staffing crisis. Retrieved on 1 April 2009 at [WWW] http://articles. latimes. com/2007/apr/23/local/me-mental23. Value Based Management. (2009). Expectancy Theory – Victor Vroom. Retrieved on 1 April 2009 at [WWW] http://www. valuebasedmanagement. net/methods_vroom_expectancy_theory. html.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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