The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

Categories: The Magna Carta

Education is one of the main pillars of progress and development of any nation. Thus, the State recognizes the major role and contributions of teachers in nurturing future leaders in public service and in business (especially those who went to public schools). But because of other concerns needing priority attention, teachers particularly those in public schools do not receive the appropriate compensation that they deserve for services rendered. As teachers, there is a need for them to upgrade their knowledge and skills and retool their competence as part of the service for quality education.

On this note it is fitting that teachers shall be provided additional benefits during the period when they are undertaking graduate degree.

Teachers take upon themselves the responsibility of taking care of their students in school even beyond the regular teaching hours. Moreover, teachers particularly those stationed in far-flung areas where there are no public service vehicles and the only way to reach these areas are to walk bear more burdens.

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In recognition of these heroic deeds that State shall bestow honor to public school teachers by allowing the draping of the Philippine Flag on their caskets. The State recognizes the commitment, dedication and sacrifices of public school teachers as evidenced by R. A. No. 4670 or the “Magna Carta for Public School Teachers”. However, the existing policy needs amendments to meet the present needs of the country’s public school teachers. The 1987 Philippine Constitution states: “The State shall. . . ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment”; hence early passage of the herein bill amending R.A. 4670 is sought.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. (2016, Apr 16). Retrieved from

The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers essay
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