The Importance Of The Dental Hygiene

Categories: Dental HygieneHygiene

As someone who only brushes once a day and had never used or seen a floss, a dental check-up to a dental practice in this country changed my perspective on dentistry. The different oral hygiene products and the vast difference in technology made me more curious about the dental world and led me to gain work experience at a dental practice. This, in turn, enabled me to work as a dental nurse and complete my Diploma in Dental Nursing in 2013.

Knowing about dentist as the only dental profession in Nepal, where dentistry is undervalued, dental nursing gave me an opportunity to learn and understand that there are other different professionals involved in a dental team.

Over a period of seven years as a dental nurse, it has made me aware of the pathological importance of the mouth and gums, maintaining good oral hygiene and as well as working in a team with other professionals. I have learned to deliver patient care while aiding the dentist with patient’s note.

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I have also learned four-handed dentistry which has helped me to improve treatments and maintain the high standards of infection control. I have found that my calm personality gives me an empathic approach to dealing with nervous and anxious patients. This has let me connect with patients and help them reduce their fear and anxieties during treatments. I have also had to hold the position of head nurse guiding the training nurses which has helped me to develop organizational skills.

Having realized the importance of dental hygiene and prevention, it was a privilege to volunteer in dental campaigns, at my home country in the year 2016 and 2017, which gave me a chance to share my knowledge.

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We educated the people about oral hygiene and plaque control, giving the demonstration of brushing and postoperative instructions. During this campaign, I began to realize that in most of the cases, ignorance and lack of knowledge about basic oral hygiene had led to unnecessary discomfort. I found the proverb - “ Prevention is better than cure” quite relevant. This visit not only cemented my faith in the importance of dental hygiene and care but also determined my ambition to study dental hygiene and therapy. At this dental campaign, I also had a first-hand experience of the work of dental therapist and hygiene such as screening patients, administrating anesthetic and pulp treatments, restorations, extractions, scaling and polishing.

However, it has dawned on me that the profession of a dental nurse, though abundant, lacks in educating the patients about preventive measures. A deeper study would definitely make me more qualified to help. I feel that the role of the dental hygienist would be the next ideal approach as I am very much aware of dental hygienist’s role in maintaining oral health and mainly focus on disease prevention, through clinical intervention and education.

Their dietary advice to prevent dental caries and smoking cessation counseling also assist the patient to prevent conditions such as periodontal disease, oral cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease thus also improving general health. They work together with the dentist to ascertain the best care for the patient and promote healthy oral behavior. They can build longterm relationships with patients through trust, knowledge and familiarity, which all work towards better dental health.

I have been shocked by how gum disease can also be a major cause for tooth loss as I always thought that dental caries was the main cause for tooth loss and I believe that Dental hygienal hygienist plays an important role in treating periodontal disease by performing dental prophylaxis.My hobby in sketching and doing art and crafts has given me a good manual dexterity, a useful asset for a hygienist and therapy.Thus, i can safely state that my dedicated years with dentistry has guided me to a stage where the study of hygiene is the next ideal step on this journey of learning.

Since starting my career as a dental nurse, I am always educating my family and friends about good oral hygiene. The step I feel has helped to improve their oral health. I want to continue to make a difference in the patient's oral health and encourage them to feel confident with their smile.I have learned much about dental aspects such as restorations, implants, crowning, radiography, extractions, and periodontal treatment.

Updated: Feb 20, 2024
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The Importance Of The Dental Hygiene. (2024, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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