The Importance of Computers to Humans

Despite an ever-widening scope of choice for the modern undergraduate, studying the nature of computer science means far more than an academic subject studied for a set number of hours a week. It is undoubtedly an influential part of the society we operate in as people. People serve as an outlet for the breadth of interest a computer can influence. The range of this influence depends on even the smallest enjoyments of computers. The brilliance of an LED display and imposed speed from unlocked processing behind the monitor holds a unique value for every user.

Certainly, computing depends on much more than a username, password, and big data; however, I argue the experience of these miraculous machines is a complete virtue of the face before the device.

The first mentor to engross me in the importance of computers to humans was Jeff Osborne of Olympic College, better known to programming students as "the great and powerful Oz". The middle-aged professor strode into Monday and Wednesday classes, armed in cargo pants, a Doctor Who tee, and a "backpack of wonders" (containing a "wonder" of an old, beat-up MacBook Pro).

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But when judgmental snickers would inevitably slip from my peers, I saw worlds of possibility in Oz's art projected upon the wall. Powerful, beautiful lines of Java concisely structured such they should be a Metropolitan exhibit; carefully styled Graphical User Interfaces filled with functionality and simplicity; linked list diagrams with a complexity my mind hadn't yet understood. Every element became my new obsession.

I want other people to discover a moment of beauty with computers because of the moment Oz's lectures imposed upon me.

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One way I have demonstrated understanding of technology and people is with the University of Washington G.A.M.E.R. cross media technology research group. Briskly thrust into a world of qualitative and quantitative data, I became an analyst for cross media types, studying the authentic "hello world" moments of real people using technology. I assisted in engineering creative methods of complex hierarchal data coding. My vision extended to computing potentiality through software conduction with Eclipse, NVIVO 11, OneDrive, and extensive document and media organization within web applications. The most important lesson I have contracted from G.A.M.E.R. research thus far is the legitimacy real people can discover in post-contemporary computing.

Creating "moments" to those who have yet to experience this theme is a lesson I learn as I teach it. As part of the University of Washington Students for Science organization, I passionately spread my ambition of computing potential to a diverse sample of poverty-stricken grade school students at John Stanford International Elementary. I converse with large youth groups to explain how computer science inspires me, with hope to instill inspiration into tomorrow's engineers and innovators.

This social application of interest has led me to further concrete my goals and academic interests. Through advanced understanding of algorithms, networking, security, and all that the UW CSE major has to offer me, my goal is to provide people with a "hello world" to a new beauty of computers. Supplementary education in computer science & engineering at the University of Washington will transform my technical and philanthropic ideals to reinvent what it means for people to beautifully experience being a user.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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