The Impact Of Texting On Youngsters’ Interpersonal Skills And Communication

In the past few years, from 2012 until 2018, the use of texting rose dramatically and so is the impact it has on people. The three articles related to texting have all in common, that the articles state that the use of texting is either harmful or beneficial. The discussion regarding texting is focused on the effect texting has on academic performance, social skills of teens and students. However, each article has their own red thread. The article published on the CNN website explains the problem of youngsters not having a fully developed interpersonal skills and that a text-messager may restrict their ability to form upcoming relationships since they do not get to practice nonverbal visual signals.

As for the article published on CBS news the importance is on the fact that when texting becomes an obsessive habit, it can endanger a teens academic career. Guardians should stimulate open communication with their children about texting behaviors and to understand their children’s' density of use and any sign of compulsive use.

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Furthermore, the article stated that it would be helpful for guardians to search for indications if texting seems to give their teens stress, particularly if they have a hard time cutting back their texting or seem anxious when they are not able to text. Additionally, the article indicates that guardians should look for indications if texting is interfering with their children’s sleep. If so they should intervene, as procrastinating sleep or losing sleep can have a negatively effect on academic performance and concentration.

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Contradictory, to the text published on the Slate website where the emphasis is on the sending bite-size text message students to remind them about important assignments they need to finish, and help them follow with the goals they have set for themselves. According to Castleman, the bottom line is that text message makers need to know the people they are trying to reach, understand the hurdles they have to deal with, and be open for questions and conversations. With plainly texting students are getting tons of information that will backfire if not relevant.

The article “How compulsive texting affect teens at school”, CBS New, is a total opposite of the article “How texting doesn’t have to be a distraction”, Slate. There could be said that the article regarding compulsive texting is based on personal texting and not being able to let the telephone for what it is. In this case, I agree with the article written by Welch. Guardians should have time slots for their children to use the phone. As for adult themselves, they should manage their time on their phones as well. Men is not going to be able to reduce the amount of popularity of texting or the easiness of it. Texting should be an addition to our lives and not let it become our lives.

Works cited

  1. Healy, M. (2015, August 3). How compulsive texting affects teens at school. CBS News. Retrieved from
  2. Castleman, B. L. (2018, September 18). How texting doesn't have to be a distraction. Slate. Retrieved from
  3. Welch, A. (2018, August 13). Do you know how much time your child spends texting? You should. CNN. Retrieved from
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Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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The Impact Of Texting On Youngsters’ Interpersonal Skills And Communication. (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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