Strategies to Enhance Managerial Communication and Interpersonal Skills


In today's dynamic workplace, effective communication and strong interpersonal skills are paramount for managerial success. Whether it's the exchange of information through verbal or non-verbal means, the ability to communicate plays a pivotal role in organizational performance. This essay explores the significance of communication and interpersonal skills in the workplace, emphasizing their positive impact on team performance, morale, and overall organizational success. Furthermore, it evaluates strategies to overcome barriers to effective managerial communication and interpersonal skills.

The Crucial Role of Good Communication

It is evident that good two-way communication is the cornerstone of a well-functioning workplace.

This communication can encompass both verbal and non-verbal forms, and it serves as the lifeblood of any organization. Effective communication allows for the seamless flow of information, fostering clarity and understanding among team members. It encompasses not only the transmission of messages but also active listening and reception.

Good communication yields a multitude of positive outcomes for the team and the organization as a whole.

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When communication is robust and efficient:

  • Team members are clear about their roles and responsibilities, minimizing confusion and misunderstandings.
  • Feedback and recognition for achievements are readily provided, cultivating a sense of value and boosting morale among staff.
  • Managers maintain an approachable and non-threatening demeanor, creating an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing issues or concerns.
  • Open and supportive interpersonal relationships thrive, fostering teamwork and a shared sense of purpose.

When goals and objectives are well-defined, and team members are actively involved and motivated, the organization benefits from enhanced connectivity among staff, resulting in improved teamwork.

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This synergy translates into a more robust organizational performance, enabling the delivery of high-quality services while maintaining a positive and relaxed working atmosphere.

Conversely, poor communication can have detrimental effects on an organization. It often leaves employees uncertain about their objectives, leading to demotivation and the appearance of disinterest or arrogance. Ineffective communication frequently leads to conflicts and the propagation of damaging rumors, which can tarnish the organization's reputation both internally and externally. The presence of significant conflict within the workplace makes it nearly impossible to achieve the practice's goals and objectives. Additionally, boredom and a negative attitude can diminish an employee's receptiveness to any message, exacerbating the communication challenge.

Strategies to Overcome Barriers to Effective Managerial Communication

1. Regular Staff Meetings

In a small practice with part-time team members, there is a heightened risk of communication breakdown. Messages may fail to be transmitted or could be relayed incorrectly, leading to mixed perceptions and feelings of marginalization among staff. To address this barrier, it is essential to schedule staff meetings on dates when all team members can attend. In cases where physical presence is not possible, detailed meeting minutes should be diligently recorded and shared with all relevant individuals.

Furthermore, consistent feedback mechanisms should be established to ensure that messages are conveyed clearly and concisely. These forums provide an excellent platform for brief, informal updates. They also facilitate quick dissemination of information to multiple parties while encouraging discussions, feedback, and collaborative input.

2. Clear Task Assignment

Another potential barrier to effective communication is the lack of clarity regarding assigned tasks from a busy Principal Dentist. Informal task allocation may result in improper execution or tasks continuously being deferred. To mitigate this challenge, it is imperative to engage in a comprehensive dialogue with the Principal Dentist to ascertain their exact requirements and timelines.

Subsequently, a well-defined schedule with step-by-step guidelines for task completion should be devised. Task assignments should be tailored to individual skill sets, and responsibilities should be clearly delineated. A prominently displayed checklist, such as on a staff room whiteboard, can help track the status of assigned tasks. Regular progress reports, delivered within the specified time frames, will ensure that the Principal Dentist's expectations are met.


In conclusion, effective communication and strong interpersonal skills are indispensable in the contemporary workplace. They underpin an organization's ability to function cohesively, maximize productivity, and achieve its goals. While poor communication can lead to confusion, demotivation, and conflict, effective communication fosters clarity, teamwork, and mutual support.

Implementing strategies such as regular staff meetings and clear task assignment is essential for overcoming barriers to effective managerial communication. These strategies promote open, transparent communication channels, ensuring that messages are conveyed accurately and comprehensively.

Ultimately, investing in effective communication and interpersonal skills is not only a fundamental aspect of effective management but also a catalyst for an organization's long-term success and growth.

Updated: Nov 06, 2023
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Strategies to Enhance Managerial Communication and Interpersonal Skills. (2016, May 01). Retrieved from

Strategies to Enhance Managerial Communication and Interpersonal Skills essay
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