The Impact of Human Activities on Earth

Categories: EarthHumanNature

Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

We all know that people in the prehistorical period had to struggle natural environment in order to make livings. They had to hunt preys and gather fruits, even cut down trees to build their houses. However, as technology improved, many people are aware of human activities have great influence on our living earth and raise a big debate on this issue.

Some people claim that human activities are damage our living earth, simultaneously, the other people advocate that human activity makes the earth a better place to live. In my opinion, I consider that human activities impair our living earth seriously. In the following paragraphs, I will try to detail why I think Earth is being harmed by human activity. [Descent start.Good coordination found]

First of all, our living earth is being harmed by human activity because people overuse natural resource in the present time.

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As everybody knows, the population on our earth nowadays increases["has increased"...becuase it is a recent and well known fact.It is not an observation hence "nowdays increase" is wrong to use] rapidly so that more people than before have to consume more food provision and daily commodities. To elaborate the above description, natural resources will become less and less when population continue growing. Frankly speaking, the amount of petroleum decreases quickly because many people drive their own cars which need gasoline.

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According to the experts’ indication, people who live on the earth today can use gasoline for only thirty years and will sink into energy crisis in the future. [Good finding.Need to be careful about language.See the context first and time.]

Secondly, our living earth is being harmed by human activity because human activity also [repetition] leads to all kinds of[cut this] lethal pollution. As we know, to make more money, many factories and enterprises drain off poisonous waste water into rivers. In addition, air pollution has already damaged the environment of earth and us who also live on the earth. To detail the above argument, the exhaust fume which is emitted by many factories and cars can destroy ozonosphere of the earth and cause greenhouse effect. That is to say, a surfeit of ultraviolet rays will cover the surface of our living earth, not only will human tend to have skin cancer, but many kinds of species living on the earth may encounter extinction. [ok]

Thirdly, our living earth is being harmed by human activity because human activity always destroys the ecological balance of the earth. For example, Jxxxnese [Try not to be political.Instead use "some nations or people" neutral. If some Jxxxxxese rate your essay , he can get angry.] are notorious for hunting whales so as to satisfy their voracity. As everybody knows, every species has its own prey.[Line not clear.,] Therefore, if human over hunt some animals or over consume some plants, many species which feed on the above animals or plants will be on the brink of extinction. [Highlight a general point then elaborate through examples.In this para general point can be " Human activities harm ecosystem. How?? Give your examples to what you have mentioned.]

To sump up, in accordance of the[delete this] above arguments, I can come up with my conclusion [I conclude]that Earth is being damaged by human activity[ies]. Many scholars and environmental groups already spare no effort in announcing the importance of environment protection. In addition, the governments of many countries also make laws to prohibit human activity form wasting natural resources, making all kinds of pollution and destroying ecosystem. Of course, maybe somebody hold different view of this issue. Nevertheless, for the reasons that I have presented above, I think my position is the most valid.

How Human Activities Negatively Affect the Ecosystem?

In various ecosystems, negative changes have been seen as consequences of human activities. Specifically, these various activities of people have been observed to contribute directly and indirectly to the negative changes and implications in one of the major ecosystems, the marine ecosystem. This paper suggests that many of the human activities employed in the environment, specifically the marine ecosystem, yield multiplicative detrimental effects.

It is said that humans have a high influence over ecosystems, and the various activities they make alter the environment’s conditions (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2003). According to Hylland (2002), there are many different perspectives that could affirm the impact of human activities towards nature. However, in purely simplistic illustrations, human activities that involve physical disturbance, release of harmful chemicals, and other destructive forms cause serious effects such as a reduced biodiversity.

Physical disturbances such as trawling, large scale fishing, or coastal construction prevent fish and other marine species from staying in their original habitat. This means that these marine fauna are displaced from their habitat which may have been destroyed or changed beyond recovery by drastic fishing activities made by man. Similarly, the marine ecosystem may not only be lessened because of the displaced marine organisms, but it is also possible that an eventual decrease in the population level of these organisms may happen.

This could trigger to a relatively damaging human activity wherein humans will aim for the fish nearer the coastal areas. Under many legislation proceedings, fishing near the coastal areas is prohibited because the act will strip the number of fish and other marine species into a minimal number. Over-fishing could as well cause the decrease in the biodiversity of marine animals (Hylland, 2002). The use of chemicals in fishing could also destroy not only the marine species but also their habitat and where eventually, humans will also be affected.

This is a chain-like series of events that could lead into a negative effect, destruction even, among marine biological ecosystems. Cyanide and other dynamite fishing are often used by fishermen as an easier method of fishing that kill even the smaller fish. If these methods continue, the marine species will no longer be sustained. The chemical by products from these methods also destroy their natural ecosystem by contaminating changes that are harmful to the lives of these species.

Similarly, there are instances where pollutants and toxic materials from pesticides go as water run-off from residential and agricultural areas toward the seas and other water forms, thereby contaminating the seas and the living organisms in it with the toxic substances (Hylland, 2002). Another major implication that is currently of relevance is the aftereffect of negative human activities that characterize an indirect implication: climate change. Because of the ensuing pollution, forest denudation and other factors, climate change and global warming have been relatively causing damage.

These have negative effects as well on the marine ecosystems as the seas are heating up, thereby changing the distribution of species (Hylland, 2002). Conclusively, it must be noted that many various human endeavors have multiplicative detrimental effects to many ecosystems, specifically the marine ecosystem. As mentioned, the negative effects do not only encompass the destruction of the marine ecosystems but also the biodiversity of the marine species. When the habitats are destroyed, the number of marine organisms decreases, therefore catapulting to unsustainability in the ecological balance.

This goes to show that every human activity that has negative impacts will be felt multiplicatively through direct and indirect measures. References Hylland, K. (2002, February). How [Do] Human Activities Affect Marine Biodiversity And Ecosystem Processes? Paper presented at the The EC IMPACTS Cluster First Workshop. Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau cedex, France. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from http://web. univ-pau. fr/impacts/Theme2part1. pdf. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. (2003). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: A Framework for Assessment. Washington DC: Island Press.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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The Impact of Human Activities on Earth essay
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