The Hate You Give: Analysis of Starr's Complex Character

Categories: Book ReviewCharacter

Starr, the main character in the novel The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas, has many character traits such as kindness, trauma survivor, and leading a double life. These traits can be seen as influencing her actions and behaviors when she is at school or she is living her normal life

Even though Khalil had flaws related to being a “drug dealer” or a “gangbanger”, Starr still showed compassion for Khalil because she cared about him. Starr showed acts of kindness not only to Khalil but also to his parents especially when they found out about the death of Khalil.

Even though Starr was dating Chris, she still had feelings for Khalil and cared a lot about him. Throughout the book, Starr shows kindness to the black community. Even though in the book sometimes people weren’t so kind, like when she was at school one day and Hailey and Maya were interrogating Starr about why she stood up for Khali, Starr kept calm and tried not to worry.

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Khalil meant a lot to Starr, so when he died right in front of her, it devastated her.

Another trait Starr can be interpreted as is a trauma survivor. Ever since she witnessed two of her friend's death Starr has been traumatized. When the officer had mistaken the hairbrush for a gun, he shot Khalil. However, instead of shooting Khalil, the officer could’ve used his taser. If Khalil didn’t grab his brush and the officer still used his firearm, then in this situation, it would be classified as manslaughter.

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If this had occurred, then the officer would be prosecuted and get sued by the family of the killed victim. However, Khalil wasn’t the only friend Starr lost. When Starr was 10 years old, she was with her friend Natasha. They were both playing around a fire hydrant that had busted. During that moment shots were fired. Natasha was shot. That was the day Natasha’s life was taken. The death of Khalil made Starr feel empty inside. Both of her childhood friends’ lives were taken during her lifetime.

Starr can be occasionally seen as two-sided. For example, when Starr is at school she doesn’t talk to her peers using slang. She doesn’t act like she’s from the hood or she’s from a black community because Starr will then stick out like a sore thumb due to the fact she is the only colored girl in the school. However, when Starr is not in school and she is herself, she doesn’t feel so restricted. Because of being the only black person besides her half brother, Seven in the school neither of them feels like they can be themselves. That was how Starr, Seven, and Sekani pretty much felt. Starr’s life demonstrated having 2 consciences, “2 thought processors”, or in this case, two-sidedness. She has the conscience that tells her to flip the switch to “Williamson Starr.” The Starr that doesn’t use slang or acts like she's from a black community. When Starr is home they flip is switched off and she can act like herself. She doesn’t have to feel like she’s in captivity anymore.

Even though Starrs traits can change her actions and behavior, some traits being better than others, there are some that put obstacles in her life she finds ways to push through the bad moments in life, because of being a trauma survivor.

Updated: Jan 25, 2024
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The Hate You Give: Analysis of Starr's Complex Character. (2024, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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