The Consequences of Climate Change

Categories: Weather And Climate

Multiple texts in the context suggest that the oceans absorbed most of the additional CO2 from the climate. Accordingly, they've turned out to be 30% corrosive since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution resulting in causing mass eradication of ocean life. Similarly, the temperatures in the Arctic and Antarctic are believed to be rising quicker than those in mild and tropical zones. Therefore, segments of the polar vortex have separated from and obstructed the jet stream. That is a stream of twist high in the atmosphere that races from west to east at rates up to 275 miles per 60 minutes.

It's made the stream wobble.

That makes snow squalls, heat waves, and different types of extraordinary climate forms. This incorporates tornados, wild-fires, sea tempests, snowstorms, floods, avalanches, heat waves, and droughts. Another article suggests that Since 1980, the extraordinary climate changes has cost $1.6 trillion. Munich Re, the world's biggest insurance firm, accused climate change of $24 billion of losses in California wild-fires.

So, saying that climate change is overhyped won't be an appropriate statement, and hence would abandon the statement at least on my behalf.

Further, the act cautioned that insurance firms should raise premiums to take care of increasing expenses from the extreme climate changes.

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That could make insurance unreasonably expensive for many individuals, which directly connects the economic status of the state. Talking in the American context, A 2017 survey demonstrated that 55% of Americans believe that climate change aggravated tropical storms. In May 2018, Stanford University researchers report determined how much a worldwide temperature alteration would cost the global economy.

If countries clung to the Paris Climate Agreement, and temperatures just rose 2.5%, at that point the global GDP would fall 15%.

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If the temperatures rose to 3 C, global GDP would fall 25% and at the state where nothing is done, temperatures will ascend by 4 C by 2100 which will result in 30% fall of the global GDP which is more terrible than the Great Depression, where global trade fell 25% and the main contrast is that it would be permanent. Another agency the World Employment and Social Outlook 2018 assessed that environmental change undermines 1.2 billion occupations. The businesses most in danger are agribusiness which would directly affect the developing countries like of India and Africa, fisheries, and forestry. Catastrophic events have already cost 23 million working life years since 2000 and on the other hand, endeavors to tackle climate change would make 24 million new occupations by 2030.

Climate change in addition results in mass movement around the globe in the sense that people end up leaving flooded coastlines, drought-stricken farmlands and areas of extreme natural disasters which eventually affects the economy of connected states. The United Nations High commissioner for refugees suggests that since 2008, climate change has uprooted 22.5 million and by 2050 climate change will drive 700 million individuals to emigrate and the perfect example in the following context will be of Bangladesh and south America which observed the migration due to the effects of climate change. Movement in the sense that of immigration at the united states border is expected to see an increment in relation with the climate change as it relates to the conditions in Latin America.

The World Bank evaluates that climate change could send 1.4 million individuals north by 2050 which again is directly connected with the state's economy. Droughts, shifting rain patterns, and climate change obliterate yields which eventually leads to food insecurity and in this context the World Food Program found that almost 50% of Central American immigrants left because there wasn't enough food.


Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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The Consequences of Climate Change. (2021, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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