The Benefits of War and Why It is Good

Categories: HealthMedicineWar

A state of open armed conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties. This may seem like an horrible idea.Right? Well war is not entirely bad. War helps decrease Earth's population, so that we can preserve the land and resources left on Earth. War can create jobs to help improve the economy, and can influence the advancement of technology. Many people think that war is just entirely bad in every way, but without war we're not even sure if we would be here.

Today you'll be reading about the benefits of war. Over the past century there have been a estimated amount of 123 million deaths in all wars in the 20th century.

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Just imagine if none of these deaths occurred.

Would we still have food? Land? Or even water? Maybe a deadly disease would've appeared and wipe the face of humanity off this Earth. Let's face it, our population is rising at an incredible rate, and our resources are depleting faster minute by minute.

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Humans are endangering Earth. War is a slow solution to population control. With so many people dying from illness, war, and homicide we're actually preserving the resources we got left, and maybe at some point we can make a scientific breakthrough to cure diseases and world hunger. If all of the wars in the 20th century never happened we would have been long gone by now.

From the research that's been done, there would've been a significant difference in the the population if there weren't any wars in the 20th century. We would soon contribute to global warming if none of the wars never happened. Then our sea levels would rise and fool many cities near the coastlines of cities in many countries. If the wars never occurred, we would be long gone.(Insert More Sentences) My second reason why war is good is that it helps create jobs to improve the economy. When war a war starts beginning, the country starts opening up more job opportunities, such as manufacturing, farming, and medicine. These new jobs led to a improvement in the economy.

With the government needing more materials to help support troops in war, that's where the citizens do there job and help make these materials. This has been 100% proven many recent times. This dates back to the 1800's. The Industrial Revolution will always be a significant era ever in american history. After the War of 1812, which was a conflict between The United States and Great Britain ended with the U.S. winning. After the war, american had negative opinions about buying British goods, so a economic boom occurred in America because the americans started to manufacture their own goods.

Factories were now being built all over the north of U.S., so with more factories came more jobs. This soon led to many new inventions such as the cotton gin, the steamboat, the train, and many more inventions. So Just by one one single war, the United States became one of the most highest economic Countries evey. All of the the job opportunities is what led the U.S. to become such a gold mine for anybody looking for any money. This is a solid piece of evidence from the history of war. Of course I will have to include my third and final reason on why war is good, which is that it influences the advancement of technology.

World War II will forever be know as one of the most deadliest conflicts ever inflicted on between nations. This war took the lives of millions, not only soldiers, but civilians. The need for new technology was drastic for both the Allies and Axis Powers. Soon brand new technology was introduced. For example,”The Radar”(Radio Detection and Ranging Technology) was invented by Robert Watson Watt and Arnold Wilkins, because the threat of bombings increased throughout Europe during the 1930's-1940's. With this technology, we were able to win the war by spotting and identifying hostile aircraft.

On the other hand, one of our most used antibiotic penicillin was created by Alexander Fleming and influenced by war. Penicillin is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by bacteria such as ear infections, pneumonia, scarlet fever, and ear, skin, and throat infections. Penicillin saved many lives during War World II, by helping ill and wounded soldiers until doctors came. The treatments methods before penicillin for bacterial infections were highly toxic medical drugs. Just imagine the world today without these creations. The funny thing is that both of these inventions were created by mistake! Just to help fight against war! Inclusion, there are a few amazing benefits of war. War isn't entirely bad for everybody. War may be a controversial topic on whether war actually helps control population, improves the economy, or help advance technology. With the facts present, I believe that war helps supports my claims. Thank you for reading my paper.

Updated: Dec 20, 2022
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The Benefits of War and Why It is Good essay
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