The ancient civilizations of Egypt and China

The ancient civilizations of Egypt and China were extremely comparable in lots of various elements. Their federal governments and their location were exceptionally alike and the religions of the 2 civilizations had just tiny differences. The early Egyptians likewise had the very same principle of composing as the Chinese individuals who lived across the continent from them. Suprisingly, these 2 ancient civilizations that existed extremely far from each other show a massive quantity of similarities in practically every location.

The federal government of Ancient Egypt was headed by a king (in the New kingdom, the king assumed the name "pharaoh") with absolute power.

Various dynasties, or a line of rulers from the same household, would rule Egypt. Each ruler was thought about to be a god whose orders were sound. Nevertheless, the federal government was not only a monarchy; it was a theocracy. The king would carry out spiritual rituals to assist the harvest because this would guarantee success in Egypt. Similarly, the Chinese federal government likewise consisted of an emperor that would belong to a dynasty.

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Like in Egypt, a dynasty could rule till it would be eventually overthrown. The Chinese kings would also carry out spiritual duties; they hoped, compromised, gave offerings and used oracle bones to hire their forefathers. Both the Chinese and the Egyptian governments had similar structure and duties.

If one had a look at China and Egypt's geography, one would observe that they are rather similar. The natural barriers of the 2 civilizations belong to each other. China has the Pacific Ocean and the Bay of Bengal to safeguard it from an attack on land.

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Similarly, Egypt has the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea as a reliable natural barrier versus non-naval attacks. Likewise, deserts protect the 2 civilizations. While Egypt has the Libyan and Nubian Deserts, China is equipped with the Gobi Desert. Both China and Egypt have substantial rivers located in them. While Egypt's pride, the Nile River, is a substantial manufacturer of food and life, China has three significant rivers, the Huang He, the Chang Jiang, and the Xi Jiang.

The ancient Chinese and the ancient Egyptians were both polytheistic, which caused them to be very similar. The Egyptians believed that the gods were usually part human and part animal each gods each played a different role. There were a few main gods that everybody worshipped and there were also local gods for different regions of Egypt. Egyptians also believed in a happy afterlife for everybody, in which you could only take along things you were buried with to your afterlife. The early Chinese peoples also believed in many deities and they thought that if they made sacrifices and offerings to their gods, then they would be rewarded. There were gods for everything, like in the Egyptian religion; each god would represent something.

The ancient civilizations of Egypt and China were very similar. The government in both places was similarly set up and the geography of China was very much alike to the geography of Egypt. Religion was also a common trait of these two civilizations. Strangely, considering these two cultures developed isolated from each other, they share a lot of common traits.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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