The Ability to Change and Feel Remorse in the Criminal's Mind

Categories: Criminal Profiling

The Terry-Lynn Mcclintic case is what lead me to this inquiry, Terry-Lynn Mcclintic pleaded guilty to a charge of 1st-degree murder of eight-year-old Victoria Stafford. At the time of the murder, Mcclintic was only 18 years old, which is not much younger than most of the people in this class. The idea of an 18-year-old murdering a young girl only eight years old is horrifying and inexcusable. Terry-Lynn Mcclintic was transferred to a healing lodge, instead of carrying out the rest of her sentence in prison.

This case is very controversial because Terry-Lynn has shown zero signs of remorse. She also was not a model inmate in prison and was charged with assault of an inmate. Now emotions aside is this the kind of person who should be sent to a rehabilitation center not even ten years into her prison sentence. All circumstances aside I believe that everyone can change or overcome adverse situations, the question is, however, how does one decipher between, mentally ill and just plain evil.

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If a person does unlawful actions do we throw them in jail or do we use it as an opportunity to heal?

These questions must be considered when determining whether a person should be moved from a maximum security prison to a rehabilitation center with limited security. Terry-Lynns past shows an upsetting timeline of abuse and neglect, with being the daughter of a stripper, being molested and years of drug abuse starting at age eight. This case brings up the question of Nature vs.

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Nurture. Are our actions based on circumstance and do we develop our conventions based on our surroundings? Alternatively, are our actions inherited naturally through our biological makeup?

The answer to this is widely debated, but I believe it is not something that can be answered so quickly that it is a mix of both nature and nurture that affects the way we act. It cannot merely just be based on the environment because that does not take into account murderers who have had perfect upbringings, which leads me back to the question; how do we measure sickness from evil? As easy as it is for us to say that her childhood circumstances can be credited for her offensive actions we need to consider both arguments. Knowing this, do criminals have the ability to change and feel remorse? How does one decipher between synthetic and authentic remorse?

I believe genuine remorse comes in the face of actions because our actions help define our words. Terry-Lynn Mcclintic's actions do not adequately prove that she is remorseful for the crimes that she committed, however, who are we to say that rehabilitation will not change this. This case provides so many questions that not all can be quickly answered, but the bigger question is, is Terry-Lynns transfer justice? We define justice as the administration of fairness, is it fair for someone of Terry-Lynn Mcclintics stature to go to a rehabilitation lodge after the crimes she has committed.

Justice is subjective, which makes this case so difficult. The only answer I can give to this question is, everyone is capable of change, but change cannot come unless the person is willing to change. We as individuals do not get to decide whether or not someone is worthy of help, however, what must be evaluated is when is the right time to offer that help.

Updated: Feb 18, 2024
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The Ability to Change and Feel Remorse in the Criminal's Mind. (2024, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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