Tesco vs. Oxfam: Contrasting Goals and Structures

The organisation structures, aims and objectives of two contrasting businesses

  • An objectives is the stated, measurable targets that are set in a timeframe and in chronological steps of how to achieve their overall business aims.
  • An Aim is what a business would want to set out to achieve overall in the future like goals.
  • A mission statement is business overall message to their customer, stakeholders and public telling them what their intentions are and what they hope to achieve.

By creating a mission statement this informs their customers, stakeholders and general public what they are doing and going to do for them.

Tesco’s aims and objective

Tesco’s aims are to provide a good customer service along with good quality products for cheap prices as a retailer against their competitor and focusing on staying on top as the leading retailer.

A key objective of Tesco is to maximise as many sales as they can to increase their profits. Their second objective would be to decrease their prices for average household customer to make it cheaper.

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Another objective of theirs would be to introduce more healthy eating products to attract more customers and to create a more healthy living. Also another aim would be to create an ecommerce website so customers can have an online shopping experience also to create shopping timing to be more convenient for customers to shop 24 hours of the day whilst they are on the go. Another one of their objectives is to reduce unemployment in local areas.

Tesco’s Mission statement

Tesco’s Mission statement – “Serving Britain’s shoppers a little better, every day.

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Our business was built with a simple mission – to be the champion for customers, helping them to enjoy a better quality of life and an easier way of living. This hasn’t changed. Customers want great products at great value which they can buy easily and it’s our job to deliver this in the right way for them. That’s why we’ve chosen ‘Serving Britain’s shoppers a little better every day’ as our new core purpose. As a business, serving customers is at the heart of everything they do from colleagues in their stores to members of staff in supporting roles.”

Tesco’s Organisation structures

Tesco follows a hierarchical tall organizational structure. A disadvantage to a tall hierarchal structure is there maybe difficulties in communication. In this structure, positions and obligation are divided into many parts to ensure work will be done efficiently and smoothly. This is an organisational structure of the metro, superstores and the extra Tesco’s. This diagram shows the different layers of management all the way from the top of board of directors down to the sales assistants of the company which is at the bottom of the Tesco’s organisation structure. This shows what department is responsible for and who they have to report to. This also shows how the organisational structure is broken down and how and who task are delegated to. The diagram also shoes the level of authority and responsibility increases with each layer with the final authority which is the board of directors. A tall organizational structure offers several advantages to companies. With several layers of management, the company is able to promote more employees to management positions. Therefore the employees who see potential growth of opportunities will tend to work harder for Tesco whilst they strive for higher level position, which is a considerable advantage for Tesco.

Oxfam’s aims and objectives

They want to help people claim their rights to live a better life, they want more women, young people and other poor people will be able to exercise their civil and political rights, influence the decisions of people in power and hold them accountable for their irresponsible actions. They want equal rights for women, and believe women are still massively under represented and often oppressed. They’re helping more poor women claim their rights, and work to significantly reduce the violence against women

. Oxfam want to save more lives, now and in the future so just in case when natural disasters strike or in times of war they’ll be able to save lives, providing clean water, food, sanitation and other fundamental needs. They want to safeguard global food supplies, they are working to protect food supplies so that people always have enough to eat. More people who live in rural poverty will enjoy greater food security, income, prosperity and resilience through fairer global food systems. They would like to help people claim a fairer share of natural resources, it is a vital for prosperity as it could be a source of income for countries living in poverty. They work to help the world’s most poorest people become significantly more prosperous and resilient, despite increasing competition for land, water, food and energy sources, and stresses caused by a changing climate.

They would like to Increase money of donations for basic services like to create and improve a better infrastructure for the 90 countries they are working with globally. They are also trying to push for more and better-targeted money to go to basic developments such as health and education, so that more women, men, girls and boys can create a better economy, social and democratic life of their countries so they can have a chance to develop their countries. Another one of their key objectives in is to get more volunteers to join and help out in more events to get more done and to drive in more customers to generate more money to be donated.

They have a vision of having a world without poverty. Oxfam want a world where people are people of society are valued and treated equally as any other person, enjoy their rights as full citizens, and can influence decisions affecting people in living in poverty’s lives. Oxfam’s mission is to help create lasting solutions to the injustice of poverty. They are part of a global movement for change, empowering people to create a future that is secure, just, and free from poverty. They also work to end poverty locally and globally, making this central to public and political life globally.

Oxfam’s mission statement

Oxfam’s mission statement- “Our purpose is to help create lasting solutions to the injustice of poverty. We are part of a global movement for change, empowering people to create a future that is secure, just, and free from poverty. We work to end poverty locally and globally, making this central to public and political life in Wales. Our vision is a just world without poverty. We want a world where people are valued and treated equally, enjoy their rights as full citizens, and can influence decisions affecting their lives.” They want to try and maximise the amount of contribution that can be made by businesses towards poverty reduction by challenging some practices and building a model for ethical trade.

Oxfam’s Organisation structure

Here in the diagram of the organisation structure it is showing that Oxfam is a large global organisation with a tall organisation structure. Where it shows that it splits into east, north, west shows that the span of control is very big for an organisation. However this does not matter because since they are volunteers this means that they are free and it does not cost anything, which makes it more efficient and more effective for Oxfam to complete more events across the world. Oxfam’s structure can be very beneficial due to them being a very large organisation it makes the work easier for employees and volunteers to help achieving their goal of helping to put an end to the global crisis of poverty. Within the organisation structure of the diagram it show the functional areas and who has authority and who has less authority within the organisation and what they’re main roles are to make the business run its operations.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Tesco vs. Oxfam: Contrasting Goals and Structures. (2020, Jun 01). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/tesco-vs-oxfam-company-essay

Tesco vs. Oxfam: Contrasting Goals and Structures essay
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