The Human Struggle: Good vs. Evil in Society

Categories: Making Good Decisions

Throughout the annals of history, humanity has grappled with the perennial struggle between good and evil, where the forces of immorality often seem to prevail. This essay delves into the examination of historical events and fictional narratives to assert that human beings, when left to confront the dichotomy of good and evil, inevitably succumb to their inherent wickedness. Drawing from religious, societal, and knowledge perspectives, we unravel the intricate layers of human morality.

Human Nature: An Everlasting Struggle

The assessment of morality in various characters consistently leads to a singular conclusion: good and evil are not disparate ends of a spectrum but rather intrinsic to every individual's psyche.

In the perpetual struggle between light and darkness within the human soul, individuals find themselves at the mercy of these opposing forces, necessitating a conscious choice for the path of righteousness. William Golding's "Lord of the Flies" serves as a poignant exploration of this internal conflict.

Golding, often described as a pessimistic allegorist, paints a canvas that vividly captures man's constant battle between civilized self and hidden darker nature.

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The novel introduces two groups of boys embodying the extremes of this continuum, with Jack and his followers succumbing to their evil nature, while Piggy, Simon, and Ralph resist it. The narrative underscores the innate struggle by presenting situations where the boys must subconsciously choose between their humanity and the lurking darkness within. The universality of this struggle is evident in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher," where Roderick Usher's inherent suffering reflects the inescapable intertwining of evil with human nature.

This struggle causes his unavoidable unhappiness "in repeatedly frustrated and notably ironic efforts to find the locus of his 'utter depression of soul' that it might be something inward does not occur and him, and cannot occur too" (Benoit Raymond).

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Because this evil is intertwined in his human nature, he must suffer with it no matter his attempts to banish it. Human nature is not only shaped by the inescapable forces of the universe but we also look to society in order to further expand our role as human beings. Throughout history, we have always been susceptible to the impact society has on our morality.

As time progresses, we evolve, and society continues to shape our ideas on humans and Evil. In Lawrence’s poem "Snake," the slithering creature creates a well-known connection for readers. The snake represents evil at its earliest form, "Lawrence explores the otherness of the creature world, defined chiefly by its purity and innocence in contrast to the corrupt human world" (McFall Gardner). He uses the snake to tempt the main character much like the snake tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Because of society, the presence of this creature raises red flags.

Rather than viewing nature as something beautiful, which it is, we connect it with evil all in thanks to what our corrupt world has taught us. In accordance with this theory, society can sometimes create, or bring out, the evil in a person’s human nature much like in Flannery O’Connor’s "A Good Man is Hard to Find". "The Aptly named character of the Misfit serves as a symbol both of evil as well as a symbol of the villains’ inability to fit into society." Because of his familiarity with rejection, the Misfit has given in to his evil human nature. Ultimately, this is caused because of the effect society has had on him.

Along with the Misfit, the grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" shows signs of a dominantly evil human nature, "her insistence on dressing well so that people will know she is a lady, and her superficial interactions with her grandchildren are quite funny but also reveal the woman’s pride, pettiness, and self-centeredness" (Larson Susan). Although this is not the purest form of evil, her shallow actions show the effect society has on conditioning people to allow their evil nature to overrule their conscience. Much of what society bases itself upon is the

knowledge we have attained throughout history and what we continue to learn. As time progresses our knowledge continues to expand and further develops our attitude towards evil. In the novel, "Lord of the Flies," Piggy’s character represents knowledge among the boys. He is primarily the only one who chooses to look towards reason to maintain his good human nature. "Piggy’s knowledge and belief in the power of science and rational thought to help people understand and thus control the physical" (Lord of the Flies 174).

He continuously asks the boys to use their common sense and attempts to remind them of how they should be acting. Although his pleas go ignored, William Golding shows that although it is a constant struggle, with reason and thought, one can maintain their human nature even in the most uncivilized circumstances. Some may resort to their evil nature because knowledge is sometimes frightening, "The sun, which should represent life and the power of reason, can also be blinding" (Lord of the Flies 174). It is possible that by attempting to force knowledge into the boys, Piggy instead creates resentment.

He tries to show them the light, but Jack and his many followers cloud the boys' minds. They may choose this evil path because the power of reason is intimidating, and the easiest way of survival on the island is to succumb to their evil nature. The impact religion has over the battle between good and evil is a vital one. It is an inescapable and highly influential factor. The debate on whether human beings are naturally good or evil has been, and will continue to be, one of the most controversial subjects humans have had to address.

Acknowledging the roles human nature, society, and knowledge play in this debate logically points us to believe that at the center of every human there is a dark nature. This nature must constantly be suppressed in order to lead an honorable life. The battle between light and dark within the human soul is one we will continue to fight because man was created inherently evil and is up to the individual to overcome the pull towards a corrupted and malevolent way of life.

Conclusion: The Unending Battle

In conclusion, the exploration of human nature and the perpetual struggle between good and evil unveils a complex interplay of factors. From the internal conflicts depicted in literary works like "Lord of the Flies" and "The Fall of the House of Usher" to the external influences elucidated in "Snake" and "A Good Man is Hard to Find," the intricate tapestry of morality reveals the multifaceted nature of our inherent struggle. As knowledge expands and societies evolve, the battle between light and dark within the human soul persists. Ultimately, the individual bears the responsibility to overcome the pull towards corruption and embrace the path of virtue, thereby ensuring the unending battle against the inherent evil within.

The exploration of humanity's struggle with morality, intricately woven into the fabric of our existence, requires a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted forces at play. The examination of characters such as Roderick Usher, the Misfit, and the grandmother illuminates the diverse manifestations of evil within the human psyche. These characters serve as vessels through which the perennial struggle between good and evil finds expression, providing valuable insights into the complexity of our moral nature.

Furthermore, the societal influence on human morality, as exemplified by D.H. Lawrence's "Snake" and Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find," underscores the malleability of our perceptions. Society acts as a shaping force, molding our understanding of good and evil, often blurring the lines between inherent nature and external conditioning. The snake in Lawrence's poem becomes a metaphor for the corrupting influence of society on our perception of nature, leading us to associate it with evil.

As societies evolve, the interplay between knowledge and morality becomes increasingly complex. Piggy's character in "Lord of the Flies" symbolizes the embodiment of knowledge, advocating for reason and rational thought. Yet, the rejection of Piggy's appeals by Jack and his followers hints at the intimidating nature of knowledge, suggesting that the pursuit of reason can be met with resistance when confronted with the harsh realities of survival. The expansion of knowledge, though a beacon of enlightenment, sometimes casts shadows that individuals may find unsettling.

Religion, deeply ingrained in the human experience, continues to wield significant influence over the battle between good and evil. The age-old debate on whether humans are inherently good or evil finds resonance in religious discourse. The acknowledgment of a dark nature within every individual, as influenced by human nature, society, and knowledge, underscores the persistent need for self-discipline and moral vigilance. The unending battle against the inherent evil within demands a constant striving for virtue, transcending the complexities of our existence.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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The Human Struggle: Good vs. Evil in Society essay
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