
From the discovery of space, humans have been curious about exploring space. In the process of exploring the universe, we discover new things and explore new things. Therefore, the study of science is becoming more and more profound. In the process of exploring, people constantly improve their own technological level, which makes the development of science and technology more and more rapid and the technological level constantly improves. However, many people think exploring space would expose them to unknown risks.

It is undeniable that the benefits of exploring space for human beings are not be ignored. Come to think of it, the discovery that has been made in regard to finding life on earth that can survive on pretty tough and harsh conditions has promoted and expanded the understanding of scientists, so as to develop the outside world.

Why Space Exploration

By understanding the form of life on earth and finding new things in different situations. Scientists have changed their definition of what life is really.

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Note that with the discovery of new life especially in regard to the life forms found in extreme environments made the definition of life is changing. Well, Extremists on the earth's surface show that scientists that we have may not have to study some distant star to find evidence of extraterrestrial life. It should be remembered that this result has indeed brought great hope in improving the daily life of all life form the earth, leave from the earth, and occupying other planets considered suitable for life.

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In recent years, human activities in space have various societal benefits that have great influence positively on earth. For example, the first satellites that were launched into space were designed to explore and study the space environment and test the ability to orbit the earth. It has indeed generously contributed some key knowledge and capabilities to the development of satellite remote communications. It made humans life be more convenient. The global positioning of communications and the earth also contributes to the development of weather forecasts. Through this space exploration, the position of mankind in the universe and the history of the solar system is the most basic problems. This discovery makes human exploration more attractive. There are new inventions and more advanced technologies, funded by various public, they support work that has never been done before in space exploration and discovery. Then there comes the question of why exploring the translunar is mentioned that this space is vast and pretty large. Scientists discovered great discoveries by observing the moon. Translunar space refers to the vast space that surrounds the Moon and Earth system and extends beyond the orbit of the Moon and the region dominated by the gravitational field of two celestial bodies. By exploring this field, it has gained many advantages in exploring life on Earth. It provides unprecedented exposure and exploration. In addition, it does contribute to the study of galactic cosmic radiation, which indeed has the potential to threaten various life forms, and thus to develop mitigation strategies, which will also bring about progress in the field of Earth medicine. "The Lagrange points-places in columnar space where the gravitational influences of the Earth and the moon cancel each other out-are advantageous areas for exploration and research...almost no propulsion is required to keep an object or spacecraft stationary" (Bergin ET. A L., n. d., p8968) In terms of space technology, life on the earth has many advantages. For example, NASA shows that technology really promotes exploration. The progress of this technology will help improve aviation and science capabilities. According to the National Research Council (U.S.) Committee on NASA's Suborbital Research Capabilities (2010) indicated that "These measurements can be obtained with a very high spatial and temporal resolution, thereby providing a unique complement to synoptic-scale measurements from satellites." It does improve NASA's ability to travel through space, gain more mass and land it in different parts of the solar system; it is improving the work and life of deep space and other habitable planets. Cultivate the ability to observe the universe and know some profound questions about earth and space science. With these technological advances, support has been generated in supporting different innovations in the national economy make life be a benefit on earth.

Why Pick Out Asteroids

Why pick out asteroids is an interesting question. In fact, it is known that asteroids are belied to have been formed early in life in regard to our solar systems by looking at its history. "About 4.5 billion years ago when a cloud of gas and dust called the solar nebula collapsed and formed our sun and the planets" (Max. P.1999, p.43) by studying objects near the earth, the components find them coming from the sun, we can get answers to some important questions: how is solar energy formed, where do organic matter and water come from? This may seem complicated, but through space exploration, various answers have been found. In addition to this fact, some information about the solar system has been found and clues about the Earth have also been found. By learning more about celestial bodies, people can learn more about the influence of the past on the earth's surface and find ways to reduce the various threats expects for the future of the earth. People can protect our earth more effectively. People study kinds of robots to help human to explore space. The various robotic launch that is considered to be scientific in nature in terms of their mission to prepare the human for the cumbersome and long duration of space travel finally the journey to planet Mars. Fortunately, it provides reconnaissance information on asteroids and their orbits, surface composition, and the return of various substances to the earth's surface for further study (Conniff, 2011).In terms of visiting these objects, it is considered an important step in preparing for different forms of life on earth and humans. These objects do provide different valuable information on valuable resources and have developed how to use them effectively to explore our celestial bodies. Their own interests make it cheaper and more efficient to explore space.

Why look at Mars

For examples look at planet Mars. The planet is considered one of the common sources of inspiration for scientists and explorers. Various robotic tasks and water discoveries have been accomplished, but many facts remain a problem. As a result of this research and various methods employed one may be able to apply the same when it comes to Earth. Looking at the book called Rethinking Centers and Margins in Geography (n. d.) Andrucki ; Dickinson say that this comes as a sign that a mission to a neighboring planet does show that humans have the opportunity to prolong survival, even forget that they can also surpass the low Earth orbit. With this aspect in mind, note that it is possible to eliminate the overpopulation of the Earth and thus realizing the dream which is considered to be space colonization. Look at it from this perspective, the stare of the art and the various space systems required to explore and sustain the transportation of explorers will be seen as a during force for us to address the challenges we face as a planet. The different ways behind innovation and creativity. As one might consider the result of previous explorations, these examples demonstrate the fact that the resulting technologies are thought to have a large impact and that benefits generally because most effective. As far as their application is concerned. Just the challenge of going to Mars, being able to understand and live in Mars, will launch a series of agreements and around the world so that they can achieve this business that is considered particularly important. The different space station that has been already set up as of up to now have shown that there are various opportunities that are out there for grabs when it comes to the aspect of collaboration which will highlight that common interest that exists, not forgetting the provision of a global sense of community indeed (Cavanagh, n. d.).


As this discussion concludes, there are a series of things that one has to keep into perspective. These are for one, human exploration of outer space and studying various celestial bodies, do help us human beings to understand our bodies and their functions in space. Therefore, as humans, we are able to nurture new medicines, materials, and ways to provide water and improve food production in order to sustain our global population. Secondly consider the space program to be two ways, that is with the expertise that is required to explore space and advancement in space program technology, the human race is able to benefit from it in the sense that the programs initiated are also suitable when it comes to helping resolve the problems that face earth today. Note that this high and efficient approaches in regard to the effective approach are sustaining progress through space exploration. For example, needless to say, there are various approaches that we need to employ if not the word if we are ever going to break out of the bound of low-earth orbit. Secondly, solar-powered innovations used to drive machines during lunar exploration have proven to be effective when applied on Earth, and this has led to the derivation of various inventions that have brought nature protection. Endangered resources when providing energy to our country. All in all, when it comes to space exploration there are both the downside of it and the upside of it. But what makes it more interesting is the mere fact that with this space exploration, we are bettering our life on earth and we are able to sustain and improve life forms on planet Earth.


  • Andrucki, M., ; Dickinson, J. (n.d.). Rethinking Centers and Margins in Geography: Bodies, Life Course, and the Performance of Transnational Space. Association of American Geographers. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(1), 203-218.
  • Bergin, E., Blake, G., Ciesla, F., Hirschmann, M., ; Li, J. (n.d.). Tracing the ingredients for a habitable earth from interstellar space through planet formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(29), 8965-8970.
  • Cavanagh, S. (n.d.). Lessons Being Readied to Explore Earth and Mars. Education week, 24(18), 12. Retrieved from
  • Conniff, R. (2011). The species seekers: heroes, foods, and the mad pursuit of life on earth (1st ed.). New York: W.W. Norton ; Company.
  • National Research Council (U.S.) Committee on NASA's Suborbital Research Capabilities (2010).Revitalizing NASA's suborbital program advancing science, driving innovation and developing workforce.
  • Max P. Bernstein, Scott A. Sandford and Louis J. Allamanadola(1999). Why explore? National Geographic, 193(2), 40-45.

Is Space Exploration a Waste of Money?

From the discovery of space, humans have been curious about exploring space. In the process of exploring the universe, we discover new things and explore new things. Therefore, the study of science is becoming more and more profound. In the process of exploring, people constantly improve their own technological level, which makes the development of science and technology more and more rapid and the technological level constantly improves. However, many people think exploring space would expose them to unknown risks. It is undeniable that the benefits of exploring space for human beings are not be ignored. Come to think of it, the discovery that has been made in regard to finding life on earth that can survive on pretty tough and harsh conditions has promoted and expanded the understanding of scientists, so as to develop the outside world.

Do you think that space exploration should be continued? Some people think that we should continue exploring the space, and others think that we should stop exploring the space. These people have their own reasons for it or against it. Either way, space exploration has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Why Should We Go Into Space?

I know we can find a better use for this money, like feeding the poor. It is so expensive, and for what? What good does it do us? These are all questions that those who believe the space program is a waste of money ask. The space program does indeed cost money. In 2007, NASA’s budget is 16. 8 Billion dollars (Office of Management and Budget [OMB] 2007, p. 2). That is all tax payer money. Money that could be spent somewhere else if NASA ceased to exist. Or could it? The current Gross Domestic Product is 13. 6 trillion dollars (OMB 2007, p. 1).

In 2000 dollars (the last year the figures are available) the space business accounted for over 100 billion dollars world wide. Over 60 billion of that was in the United States alone (Dobbs 2001, p. 15). Adjusting for growth of the gross domestic product for high tech industry from 2000 until 2005 [52. 5%] and the GDP for the space industry rises from 60 Billion to 91 Billion (United Sates Census Bureau 2006, p. 1). Taking this figure and adjusting it for inflation from 2000 to 2005, and the space industry was worth 103 Billion dollars in 2005, the last year data is available (Friedman 2007, p. 1).

So, we have ascertained that in 2005, the space industry was worth 103 Billion dollars. In 2005, the total government revenue was 17. 5% of the domestic product (OMB 2007, p. 1). So the amount of tax revenue that space exploration brought in was 18. 4 Billion dollars. This shows that there is a 1. 6 billion dollar surplus with regards to the space industry. The space industry brings in more revenue to the federal government then tax payer dollars are spent supporting it. If we stop exploring space, there would be 1. 6 billion dollars less to feed and house the homeless.

Space exploration pays for itself and then some. Keep in mind that this is just revenue from direct space industry jobs. This does not include any spin off jobs that are created by the space industry. In 2001 over 500,000 people were employed in direct space industry jobs (Dobbs 2001, p. 59). The average high tech wage in 2005 was $75,500. Therefore, those 500,000 workers are earning and paying tax on a total of 37. 8 billion dollars using the same average calculation above, the revenue to the United States government is 6.

6 billion. Add these two figures (18. 4 billion and 6. 6 billion) and the total is 25 Billion dollars collected by the federal government. This represents a 9 billion dollar surplus. Without space exploration many of the high tech gadgets we use on a daily basis, and take for granted, would not exist. For example, the major use for civilian satellites is communication in one form or another. Satellite phones are now in use. Satellite TV and radio allow access to entertainment and up to the second news in remote locations.

The satellite TV business started in the early 1980’s with the introduction of the large dishes (Dobbs 2001, p. 79). The transmissions were generally intended for cable TV companies to rebroadcast over standard cable landlines. Consumers installed the dishes to intercept the signals directly. By the end of 1985 there were over 1. 7 million dishes in use (Dobbs 2001, p. 80). Today there are 16 million subscribers in the United States (San Diego Regional Technology Alliance 2005, p. 28). These subscribers pay on average $50. 00 (DirecTV 2007, p. 1).

That is 800 million dollars per month, or 9. 6 billion dollars a year, into the Gross Domestic Product. This equates to $1. 7 billion dollars in income to the federal government. Just like in the 1930’s, satellite radio was introduced prior to Direct To Home satellite television. XM radio started in 1992. They now have two geosynchronous satellites in orbit (Named Rock and Roll) that uplink over 100 channels of entertainment programming. It is now in use in both vehicles and residences (Dobbs 2001, p. 83).

By the end of 2004, there were three million XM radio subscribers. Each subscriber pays $9. 95 per month, so the total yearly revenues are 358. 2 million a year. The federal share, once again at 17. 5%, is 62. 7 million dollars (Sun Microsystems 2005, p. 1). There are a multitude of military uses for satellite technology. One of those uses that have crossed over into the civilian marketplace is the Global Position System [GPS]. The Department of defense launched a series of 24 satellites between 1989 and 1993. These satellites are located at an altitude of 10,600 miles above the earth’s surface.

Originally designed to allow communications with troops in the field, the Department released the constellation of satellites to the public. Since then, GPS has been utilized by backpackers, skiers, and boaters, police departments, trucking companies, and others to track and locate themselves or their personnel anywhere on the globe (Dobbs 2001, p. 88). So, let us recap the economics of space exploration. The cost of space exploration is about 17 billion dollars a year, right out of the taxpayer’s pocket. The amount of revenue generated from the direct spin off businesses is 150.

8 billion dollars. The amount of money put directly back into the taxpayer’s pockets is 33 billion dollars. The taxpayer gets double there money back. We cannot afford NOT to explore space. It gets even better. Now that we have looked at it from a totally economic side, let’s examine the science side. Medicine, energy, the sciences, and computer technology are but a few of the areas of research and development that utilize space technology on a daily basis. Spacelab has flown on the Shuttle twenty-four times, performing zero-G experiments that are impossible to duplicate on Earth.

The experiments that Space Lab was performing will be taken over by the International Space Station (National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA] 2000, p. 1). One of the medical benefits of space exploration is the ability to study the human body in a weightless environment. NASA has developed an entire catalog of sensors, both exterior and implanted, to monitor a large number of physiological processes. Using this recorded data in spinal cord injury cases, researches have a better understanding of the mechanisms of injury.

Space flight has made possible load studies on the muscular and skeletal systems, study of a growth factor that is affected by weightlessness, and implanted sensors that will help monitor a patient’s status (Edgerton, Roy, Hodgson, Day, Weiss, Harkema, Dobkin, Garfinkel, Konigsberg, ; Koslovskaya 2000, p. 51). Fuel cells are an example of an energy technology that is a spin off from space exploration. NASA started utilizing fuel cell technology with the Gemini space program in the 1960’s (Department of Defense – Fuel Cell Testing and Evaluation Center [FCTEC] 2001, p. 1). NASA continued to sponsor research into a better, lighter design.

Pratt ; Whitney was awarded a contract for a newly designed fuel cell in time for it to be used in the Apollo mission. It is still used on the Space Shuttle (FCTEC 2001, p. 1). With the realization that fossil fuels will not be able to sustain our energy needs forever, the need for a commercial fuel cell has been recognized. Fuel cells have the ability to meet the energy needs of the United States (Blanks 2004, p. 61). It is entirely possible that by 2031, over 90% of the homes in the United States will be powered by fuel cells and will be off of the nationwide power grid (Blanks 2004, p.63).

These are just a few of the intangible but real scientific advances that have been made possible by space exploration. Without space exploration, the microgravity experiments could not be done, and spinal cord patients could not be helped by the developing technology. Fuel cell research would not, in all likelihood, be as advanced as it is today. The benefits of space exploration are being used on Earth today. Space technology has left its mark on every aspect of our lives.

From satellite TV and around the world live news, to fuel cells and medical research, the research, technology, and innovative products that have come out of space exploration cannot be overstated. And with a net gain of about 16 billion dollars a year directly into the coffers of the federal government, it allows for funding social programs, not eliminating them.

As this discussion concludes, there are a series of things that one has to keep into perspective. These are for one, human exploration of outer space and studying various celestial bodies, do help us human beings to understand our bodies and their functions in space. Therefore, as humans, we are able to nurture new medicines, materials, and ways to provide water and improve food production in order to sustain our global population. Secondly consider the space program to be two ways, that is with the expertise that is required to explore space and advancement in space program technology, the human race is able to benefit from it in the sense that the programs initiated are also suitable when it comes to helping resolve the problems that face earth today.

Note that this high and efficient approaches in regard to the effective approach are sustaining progress through space exploration. For example, needless to say, there are various approaches that we need to employ if not the word if we are ever going to break out of the bound of low-earth orbit. Secondly, solar-powered innovations used to drive machines during lunar exploration have proven to be effective when applied on Earth, and this has led to the derivation of various inventions that have brought nature protection. Endangered resources when providing energy to our country. All in all, when it comes to space exploration there are both the downside of it and the upside of it. But what makes it more interesting is the mere fact that with this space exploration, we are bettering our life on earth and we are able to sustain and improve life forms on planet Earth.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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Space Exploration. (2019, Dec 10). Retrieved from

Space Exploration essay
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