Sociology Reflection Paper

Categories: HumanScienceSociology

Having had the privilege to enroll in Introduction to Sociology, I have acquired knowledge not only about my country's sociological behavior, patterns, functions, relationships, education, culture, ethnicity, gender stratification, and other things that are a part of our day-to-day lives, but also about other Caribbean countries. As human beings, we learn certain things growing up through different observations and interactions, but by being in college and taking this course, I can now assimilate our social similarities and differences, those to which I can relate and those to which I am unable.

It is important for us to be considerate about others' opinions and outlooks and not be biased.

Studying sociology as a science, I understand that human beings' relationships and interactions depend on where someone comes from and the different social groups to which they are affiliated. Our cultures play a major role in our society. Culture is the way of thinking, the ways of acting, and the material objects that together form people's way of life (Macionis 38).

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Whenever people switch lifestyles and different ways of living, they tend to experience culture shock. The perfect example would be from the television show "Wife Swap." In the program, two families, usually from different social classes and lifestyles, swap wives/mothers, and sometimes husbands for two weeks.

The program will usually deliberately swap wives with dramatically different lifestyles, such as a messy wife swapping with a meticulously neat one, documenting the cultural and social differences that the two families discover with the new family member.

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In Belize City, we can also relate to someone from the North Side moving into the South Side area temporarily or permanently. They will experience the economic struggle, discrimination, and the drastic increase in violence that happens on the South Side compared to the North Side. People are also differentiated by the language they speak or even by their accent.

Updated: Apr 03, 2023
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