Social Issues, Homelessness and Poverty


The purpose of this assignment is to critically articulate personal teaching and learning philosophy, help to develop a clear sense of purpose and develop personal educator identity. Ubuntu as philosophy of education speaks to address homelessness and poverty issues. Ubuntu is welcoming, hospitable, warm and generous, willing to share. Such people are open and available to others, willing to be vulnerable, affirming of others, do not feel threatened that others are able and good, for they have a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that they belong in a greater whole (Tutu, 1999).

Brief background of the assignment topic was discussed in the introduction section of the assignment. Firstly this assignment will articulate two social issues, homelessness and poverty. Lastly the whole information of the assignment will be summarized in the conclusion section of the assignment.

According to Bassuk (1984), Homelessness and poverty has been the most crucial social issues faced by our society were millions of people sleep on roads and sidewalks for a variety of reasons, trauma, domestic violence, death of their parents, health problems, children or adults rejected by their families, disability and diseases.

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Homeless people are where they are because their parents, friends or relatives were unable or unwilling to accommodate them. Having no home can make it extremely hard for adults to get a job and that causes poverty.

Education is an eradication of poverty, homelessness people cannot get access to a better education as they do not have resources to fulfil basic need as they are not accepted by the society and does breed poverty.

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Homelessness and poverty are inseparable, poverty is a driving force of trauma that can lead to a breakdown including drug addictions and can lead to mental or emotional push that leads to homelessness. Becoming homeless is a traumatic experience, hitting those that are most vulnerable and often subject to discrimination from the public and treated unfairly. Breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty requires not only Ubuntu but sustainable competitive employment at a living wage.

As unemployment has risen, larger numbers of the poor have fallen into marginality living on social grants and dependent on temporary work and many have descended into true homelessness (Desmond, Groenewald, Timol & Khalema: 2015). Louw (1998) states that the essence of being human, Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that human being can’t exist in isolation. Giving back as Ubuntu philosophy practice goes beyond funding various education and entrepreneurial programmes. Reducing poverty and number of people on the streets using the collective voices of society and government to address the poverty and homelessness social issues should meet whatever needs are identified. The government and society should practice Ubuntu philosophy to help homeless people and reduce poverty in this country by running government social programs that seek to address social issues such as homelessness and poverty.

Government should not only focus on the concept of home or shelter but it is important to also consider the psycho-socioeconomic drivers and outcomes of homelessness, particularly for the development of relevant interventions. Conclusion The aim of the assignment was to articulate two social issues namely homelessness and poverty. Brief background of the assignment topic was discussed in the introduction section of the assignment. The assignment articulated the two social issues. The whole information of the assignment is summarised in the conclusion section of the assignment. This assignment attempted to define the two social issues and linking the social issues to Ubuntu as African philosophy, as an interrelations exist between the two social issues.

Homelessness is one of the most tragic forms of poverty, homelessness extends beyond lacking a roof over your head it includes a lack of access to socio-economic opportunities essential for human survival, such as access to job opportunities, health services, basic needs and education which are poverty driving forces. Homelessness and poverty as social issues requires not only humanity but implementation of strategies by government to employ homelessness people and provide a living wage to eradicate poverty. Practicing of Ubuntu by government and society play an essential role in addressing the poverty and homelessness social issue.


Bassuk, E. (1984). The Homelessness Problem. Scientific American, 51(1), 40-45. Groenewald, C., Timol, F., Khalema, E., & Chris, D. (2015). More than just a roof: unpacking homelessness Authors: Social Science that makes a difference, 51(1), 18-25. Retrieved from Louw, D. A. (1998).

Human development. Cape Town, South Africa: Pearson South Africa. Mc-Donald, D. (1998). Hear no housing, see no housing: Immigration and homelessness in the new South Africa, 15(6), 449-462. Meth, P. (2003). Rethinking the domus' in domestic violence: homelessness, space and domestic violence in South Africa, 34(3), 317-327. Retrieved from MoyoI, U., Patel., & Ross, E. (2015).

Homelessness and mental illness in Hillbrow South Africa: A situation analysis, 51(1), 23-29. Naidoo, V. (2010). Street people in South Africa: Studies towards understanding the homeless government responses to street homelessness in South Africa, 27(1), 129-141. Tutu, D. (2000). No future without forgiveness. New York: Doubleday.

Updated: Feb 19, 2021
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Social Issues, Homelessness and Poverty essay
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