Exploring the Complexity of Literary Characters: Round vs. Flat

Categories: PhilosophyPsychology


The study of literary characters is an integral aspect of literary analysis, as characters serve as vehicles through which authors convey their thematic concerns and messages. In the 20th century, literary theorists drew a crucial distinction between round and flat characters, a classification introduced by E.M. Forster in "Aspects of the Novel." This essay aims to delve into the characteristics of round and flat characters, offering insights into their roles and evolution within literary works. Additionally, it examines the limitations of this classification and explores instances where a character's categorization defies conventional boundaries.

The Enigmatic Nature of Round Characters

Round characters, as defined by Forster, possess complexity akin to real-life individuals.

They exhibit multifaceted temperaments, making them challenging to describe adequately. Crucially, round characters undergo significant transformations or evolutions throughout the course of a literary work, contributing to their depth and authenticity.

One exemplary round character is Pip from Charles Dickens's "Great Expectations." Pip's journey from a low social status to a higher one exemplifies the evolution of character.

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As Newly asserts, Pip's transformation embodies a shift from simplicity to a chastened, authentic self-reliance. Round characters, in essence, cannot be expected to fit neatly into predefined molds; they require time to modify their shape and adapt to the challenges they encounter.

However, the categorization of round characters is not without its complexities. While round characters are characterized by their complexity and transformation, some literary works challenge this classification, blurring the lines between round and flat characters.

Flat Characters: Stability Amidst Complexity

Flat characters, in contrast to their round counterparts, remain relatively stable throughout a literary work.

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They are portrayed with limited detail and lack the depth and multifaceted nature associated with round characters. These characters serve particular functions within the narrative and can often be encapsulated in a single sentence that summarizes their traits.

A striking example of flat characters can be found in Samuel Beckett's play "Waiting for Godot," where Pozzo and Estragon are depicted as powerless, moneyless, questless, timeless, and placeless. Their stable disposition and lack of significant development make them quintessential flat characters.

Nonetheless, the boundary between round and flat characters is not always clear-cut. Some characters, while initially appearing flat, can assume roundness through their multifunctional roles within the narrative.

The Shifting Boundaries of Character Categorization

The categorization of characters into round and flat can be subject to interpretation and, at times, may defy conventional boundaries. E.M. Forster suggests that flat characters often serve as supporting roles to the central, round character. However, there are instances where a flat character's stability and unchanging disposition contribute significantly to the roundness of another character.

Consider the character of Horatio in William Shakespeare's "Hamlet." While traditionally seen as a flat character, Horatio's multifunctional role in intensifying Hamlet's dilemma and inner struggle adds depth to his character. Without Horatio's presence, Hamlet's roundness would not be fully achieved, challenging the rigid categorization proposed by Forster.


The study of literary characters is a multifaceted endeavor, and the classification of characters into round and flat categories offers a framework for understanding their depth and development. Round characters are celebrated for their complexity and transformation, while flat characters provide stability and serve specific narrative functions.

However, literary works often defy strict character categorizations, blurring the lines between round and flat. Characters initially perceived as flat can assume roundness through their multifunctional roles and contributions to the narrative's depth. Ultimately, the classification of characters should be viewed as a flexible tool rather than a rigid framework, allowing for a nuanced understanding of the rich tapestry of characters within literature. The complexity of characters mirrors the complexity of the human experience, challenging us to explore their depths and evolutions beyond the confines of classification.

Updated: Oct 25, 2023
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Exploring the Complexity of Literary Characters: Round vs. Flat. (2016, Aug 12). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/round-and-flat-characters-essay

Exploring the Complexity of Literary Characters: Round vs. Flat essay
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