Voice recognitio

Like the Dictaphone a voice recognition system or software is used to record the spoken notes of medical professionals for transcription at a later date. This system is capable of turning spoken words into words on a screen. Voice recognition has been around for over 60 years used mostly by the government. The technology only became a reality to the public in the 1990s. Much disbelief followed the introduction of voice recognition technology; this was mostly due to fear of using something new.

Once a better understanding of medical vocabulary was integrated into the system the technology became more, user friendly and drew excitement from prospective users.

The voice recognition systems are expensive at first. However, over time the savings has the potential to be much greater. The system has the opportunity to give aid in certain areas of the hospital (like surgery and the emergency room) where one cannot always take time to write or type on a keyboard.

There are disadvantages to the voice recognition system; however, overcoming them should not be hard.

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Everything leaves room for improvement. The user must always be aware of privacy issues and concerns. When using a voice recognition system, one should do so with the door closed. Over all the voice recognition system would be a useful addition to any facilities technology.

References Business Source. (2006).

Voice recognition integrates with healthcare IT systems. Audiotex Update, 4. Retrieved July 11, 2010 from Business Source Complete database.

Parente, R. , Kock, N. , Sonsini, J. (June, 2004). An Analysis of the implementation and impact of speech-recognition technology in the healthcare sector.

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Perspectives in Health Information Management 2004, 1:5 (June 18, 2004). Retrieved July 11, 2010 from http://library. ahima. org/xpedio/groups/public/documents/ahima/bok1_035951. htm .Wager, K. A. , Lee, F. W. , & Glaser, J. P. (2005). Managing health care information systems: A practical approach for health care executives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Voice recognitio. (2017, Jan 08). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/re-voice-recognitio-essay

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