Rayna Anak Aman Biography

Hi everyone! My name is Rayna Anak Aman. I am the EAL teacher for primary and I have been working with the school for four years now. I would like to share with you a little bit about myself. I am an Iban, who was born and bred in Miri. I completed my study in TESL (Teaching English as Second Language) in 2014 and I am planning to further my education soon. Before I joined Knewton, I taught at a few local schools in Miri and Peninsular Malaysia.

I have always enjoyed teaching and truthfully, I feel at my best during and after a class that has gone well. I enjoy being around children and share knowledge with them.

Besides teaching, sports gives me immense joy and satisfaction too. I denoted both my secondary and tertiary schools for countless of times playing badminton, handball and hockey. Every once in a while especially during the weekends, I spend a few hours playing badminton with my peers.

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Most of my 'me-time' is spent on listening to music and reading books.

My love for music can be traced back to when I was a child. Music was the only thing that could calm me down whenever I wept. Besides music, I am passionate about reading too. By reading, I can get my energy back. Sometimes, the outside can be too overwhelming for some of us. Whenever I feel like my energy has been milked dry by the outside world, I just take a few hours of reading to rekindle my spirits again.

I count myself lucky to work with a big team of amazing people.

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I am always left astounded at the level of dedication and hard work everyone puts in every situation. This inspires me to dedicate my best in every lesson to teach children at school.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

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Rayna Anak Aman Biography. (2020, May 12). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/rayna-anak-aman-biography-essay

Rayna Anak Aman Biography essay
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