The Impact of Television on Society


In the contemporary era, television has seamlessly integrated into the fabric of everyday life, serving as both an informative medium and a limitless source of entertainment for families. With nearly every household owning a television, it has become an indispensable device. However, as with any technological advancement, the influence of television is a double-edged sword, presenting both advantages and disadvantages. This essay delves into the multifaceted aspects of television, exploring its benefits and drawbacks.

The Advantages of Television

Firstly, television serves as a global conduit for news, disseminating information about political developments, social events, festivals, sports, and weather forecasting.

Local and satellite TV channels ensure that viewers are well-informed about occurrences worldwide. Additionally, television offers a visual feast of the Earth's beauties and sceneries, providing an opportunity for virtual exploration without the need for extensive travel expenditures. Moreover, it acts as an educational tool, contributing to the enhancement of students' subject knowledge and general awareness. Channels like Discovery and National Geographic offer insightful programs beneficial for students, especially those studying science.

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For instance, intricate processes such as the life cycle of microorganisms become accessible, aiding students in comprehending complex scientific concepts.

The Disadvantages of Television

Despite its merits, television is not without its drawbacks. A significant concern is the impact on social issues, particularly among teenagers. Recent research highlights a disturbing trend where teenagers, globally, are increasingly addicted to television programs. This addiction contributes to a decline in academic performance, with students neglecting their studies and homework. Notably, reality television programs, like 'Sirasa Super Star,' have been shown to divert the attention of students, leading to a reduction in academic achievements.

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Furthermore, excessive television viewing contributes to health problems among teenagers, including obesity and vision impairments.

Another notable disadvantage is the unfiltered content, exposing impressionable minds to inappropriate scenes. This can negatively influence the emotional and psychological development of teenagers, as they are not equipped to process mature content. The desire for new adventures, often fueled by television programs depicting superheroes, can lead to risky behaviors, sometimes resulting in tragic consequences. Instances of children imitating superheroes or engaging in dangerous activities due to television influence underscore the need for responsible content broadcasting.

Moreover, television is implicated in the rise of criminal activities among teenagers. The portrayal of crimes, drug dealing, and smuggling in television programs has been linked to real-life incidents. For example, a tragic event in which a student in America shot his peers and teachers before taking his own life was influenced by exposure to violent content on television. This highlights the potential dangers of unchecked television content, especially in shaping the minds of vulnerable individuals.


As we reflect on the role of television in society, it becomes evident that its impact is complex, encompassing both advantages and disadvantages. While television serves as a valuable source of information and communication, its unchecked influence on vulnerable demographics, particularly teenagers, raises concerns. Responsible viewing, parental supervision, and a conscious effort to monitor and filter content are crucial in mitigating the adverse effects of television. Striking a balance between harnessing the benefits and minimizing the drawbacks ensures that television remains a constructive force in our lives.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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The Impact of Television on Society. (2017, Feb 23). Retrieved from

The Impact of Television on Society essay
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