Problem Solving Attitudes

Problem Solving is predominately one of the biggest areas individuals need to work on in order to successfully work with others. Problem-based learning (PBL) has been shown to significantly improve the development of problem-solving attitudes (PSA). Blended learning has a lot to do with improving sets of problem solving skills because it is a mix of instruction from an instructor, as well technology. Environment plays a role in how we react to problems both the physical environment (office and materials provided), virtual environment (software and digital platforms).

Mixing face-to-face interactions along with e-learning improves social interactions and the benefit of knowing how to operate technology. Problem-based learning gives you the opportunity to learn from real life situations. It is centered on people taking initiative to find the answer and propose a feasible plan of solution. E-learning provides an easier way for peers to communicate with one another and access to online tools they may need. Problem-solving attitudes are emotions felt from the experiences we feel while enduring PBL.

When a situation changes it can alter the emotions because they are trying to solve and assess the problem.

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Through PBL you can learn to deal with the PSA as it occurs (Tsai & Tang, 2017, pp. 615-618).There are seven effective stages of problem solving that can help with multiple situations they include: Identifying the problem- Use who, what, when, and where? Identify possible causes- What factors contributed to this breakdown? Clarify your objective- How will you solve the issue at hand? List and Brainstorm solutions- Let your ideas flow and build on one another.

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Evaluate the options- Compare your objective to the ideas you wrote down. Select a couple options- Test out one or two solutions while leaving the rest as backups. Start solving- Set goals and timelines to reach your desired solution (Powers, 2018).Another successful tool for effectively solving issues is the five (5) whys method. Developed by Taiichi Ohno the architect of Toyota Motor Corporation in the 1950's founded this intricate problem solving model. This model is a foundation for the company it consists of ask why five times no matter the problem.

The process includes: Identifying the problem Find the causes of problem. Ask why did this happen? Write the issues down For each issue written down ask, why did this happen? and find their causeo Did you ask why? five times for every one of the problems written down or enough to figure out the core issue? Find solutions for root causes FinishThe purpose of five (5) whys is not to place blame but to find the problem and address it in an efficient way (Seiter, 2018). Each of the problem solving techniques will allow you to collaborate and negotiate with others more effectively.It is beneficial to have good negotiating skills because everyday business deals are happening that you are missing. Businesses can only last so long on word of mouth and limited products offered. Knowing how to negotiate deals with other companies can help to produce revenue for a business that may not have had it before.

There are seven ways to help improve your negotiations skills which include: Build emotional equity- Learn about the people that you want to collaborate or negotiate with. Maybe they have a project or task that you could offer assistance on. This will build trust so they will know what kind of person they are getting into business with as well. Envision how the conversation will go- Role play how you think the conversation will go. Make a plan for what you will ask or what they could ask you and have answers for those questions. Be a good listener- When you listen to others you can learn about what they are really asking or looking for. This will also help to build a good rapport with them and build on that trust. Know your outcome- What is it that you want out of the situation? What is it that they want out of this deal? There may be something that you care about that they do not necessarily sees as beneficial. Work towards a common goal and know your bottom line, what you are absolutely willing to settle for. Be flexible in your approach- There is always obstacles getting to the goal.

Learning how to be flexible when making negotiations is important because, even if the path is not exactly how you envisioned or laid it out you could still get there in other ways. Understand what they want and find valuable. Believe in your position- When you are confident in what you are bringing to the table and what you are offering is worth it. You have to believe in your position and value in order for them to believe it. Be willing to walk away- Know when it is time pass on an arrangement. This is why you have your bottom line and what you are willing to accept. It can be as simple as values, if they are not in alignment with yours it is okay to pass on it. Be careful who you negotiate with- It is about both sides winning something. It is important not to undersell them or yourself because you want them to be passionate about you on working on (Carmichael, 2017)Improving negotiation skills is just the start of being a successful collaborator, you must also know how to spot conflict when it arises.

There are several signs for recognizing conflict in your environment they include: Body languageo Avoiding eye contacto Crossed armso Frowningo Position in room Behavioral changes Formation of a clique Decrease in productivity Anxiety Comments they have made Complaints from others Loss of trust Sick more often than usual High turnover (Collier, 2018).These signs are important to look for and to dig deeper into the root of the problem should any of them arise in the workplace. Spotting differences in someone's moods and work and helping them to resolve it will also make them and yourself better collaborators.In today's society our culture is consistently focused on individualism, which is making it harder for people to be good collaborators. There are different ways to collaborate with others as a manager. Making sure to speak up if you have an idea and knowing it is healthy to challenge your own boss on something if it is appropriate. When working with employees the 80/20 rule comes into effect. You should only be speaking about 20% of the time and listening to what others have to say the other 80%. Learn and know the wants and needs of your staff by building a good rapport with them. Collaboration takes more than just words, it takes planning, setting goals, and taking action to achieve your goals (Schumacher, 2018).

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Problem Solving Attitudes. (2019, Aug 20). Retrieved from

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