A Study Of Education's Banking Concept, a Comparison to Problem Solving And The Technological Impact

The use of banking concept is not only ineffective but also inhuman. According to Freire, this concept inhibits the student’s creativity and their ability to critically solve problems and the latter is an inhuman robotic system that oppresses students (McBath). Borrowed from the banking process, the banking concept of education operates like a banking process. The educators deposit information in the depositories who are the students and later withdraw the information by requiring the students to restate what they were taught.

While compared to problem posing concept, the banking concept is ineffective since it discourages critical engagement in the teaching and application of information to the students (Freire, Padegogy of the Opressed). The sole purpose of education is to make students roundly versatile. However, the banking concept has not achieved that because it takes away a student’s creativity which is vital in molding an all rounded student.

Banking concept vs Problem posing

In a class using the banking concept, the teacher is the only subject of attention in the classroom.

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Students on the other hand are mechanical objects that continuously absorb information that will be used to develop concepts good enough to earn a good grade but lack significance in the student’s life (Wood). It is saddening the banking concept demands students to naively accept the assumption made to them by the teachers without critical assessment and questioning. For example, students are taught about global warning. This is a very serious topic since it could kill humanity, but the manner in which the topic is taught in schools makes the topic normal.

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If students would be allowed to critically think around that topic, probably there would be major discoveries made to minimize the rate of global warming.

Freire compares a student to a clean slate that is waiting to be filled with information when banking concept is used. The Banking concept is indeed dehumanizing in the sense that educators consistently belittle the students. In the event that a student assesses what the teacher said and questioned it, most educators under banking concept would feel agitated and treat the student poorly.

Problem posing propels the idea of teaching as you are being taught. By using this concept, students become more critical and engaging during lessons. This model allows students to meditate on the information presented to them by the educator and analyze it opposed to merely listening and restating which characterize banking concept. Problem posing is an educational concept that aims at developing power through perceiving information critically and creatively (McBath). It involves evaluation of objectives presented to the students by educators and relating those objectives to the realities surrounding each student. This concept of learning opens students up to several subsets of education and dynamics of learning which impact on the success of the students positively (Tabach). Problem posing provides an interactive platform between the students and the educator which facilitates learning. For example, an educator who provides options to the students on how they should complete their assignments promotes problem posing concept. Students are challenged to organize themselves and allocate time to complete certain tasks by themselves. This promotes creativity and responsibility among the students.

How technology impacts on the problem posing model

Educators who dictate on what students should do limit the success of the students compared to the educator who encourage the presentation of information through different ways. Open educators provide better ways of learning and encourage the student to find more avenues of performing their task hence eliminating the monopolistic banking concept. Interestingly, a good relationship between the educator and the student is developed by using the problem posing concept (Wood). Problem posing facilitates the attainment of valuable skills through critical assessment of materials and information delivered to the students. The skills and knowledge obtained from this way of learning also lasts a lifetime and impacts on the students decision making ability while the accomplishments of the banking concept become irrelevant ones a student has passed their standardized test.

Minerva’s model of education utilizes various aspects such as online discussion platforms and group seminars which characterize the use of problem posing. People with common interest can engage in a discussion or attend to an online seminar where ideologies are exchanged. Technology helps in integrating the concept of problem posing successfully. Through platform such as those presented by Minerva, students are able to engage with professors across the globe hence a wider scope of information and knowledge is shared hence improving the student’s competence (Wood).

The adaption of technology in pedagogy has been slower compared to how technology has been assimilated in other institutions like hospitals. Nevertheless, over time, there are a handful of technologies that have been adapted to help improve education. Although many educators have a hard time associating with the new technologies, they have been developed to encourage critical thinking as best practices for teachers. Technology can be used to identify the needs of each student by using databases presented by technology (Wood 508). This enables the teacher to use different approaches under problem posing that would help in the overall development of a student. Technology also provides different reaching and learning styles for both the students and the educators. This provides a problem posing approach to education that facilitates the learning ability of the students.

Assistive technologies improve and maintain the functional capabilities of students and teachers. Such practices encourage the problem posing model of education by providing interaction and engagement in the learning process that allows the students to think critically and creatively. The banking Education concept ruins the meaning and intended purpose of education by inhibiting creative power and conscious thinking possessed by the students. Problem posing tunes students into critical thinkers and present to them life-long abilities of making strong decisions.

Problems posing provoke students to question information presented to them in order to understand it better establish its relevance (Freire, Padegogy of the Opressed). By so doing, students acquire progressive transformational abilities and personalities. This concept revolutionizes the manner in which learning is conducted and reinstates the true purpose of education. In relation to Minerva’s model of education, Problem posing involves the integration of various strategies and processes in order to successfully deliver reliable education to the students. The use of in-class technology is one of the many ways characterize problem posing models (Freire, Paulo Freire on Education that Liberates). This makes learning more effective and efficient for both the students and the teachers. It eradicates monotonous strategies and processes in schools and replaces them with reliably and effective strategies (Freire, Padegogy of the Opressed). Technological platforms allow students and teachers to interact effectively and access information with ease. This facilitates teaching and makes learning an interesting process. For that reason, applicable technology should be adopted by institutions of learning to facilitate the problem posing model.

Works cited

  1. McBath, A. (n.d.). The Oppression of the Banking Concept of Education. Retrieved from https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Oppression-of-the-Banking-Concept-of-Education-McBath/610527ae94da572c2dc648b6f51931a38b6e26b4
  2. Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum.
  3. Wood, M. (n.d.). Problem-Posing Pedagogy: What is it? Retrieved from http://www.scielo.br/pdf/et/v53n6/1678-4634-et-53-06-739.pdf
  4. Tabach, M., de Araujo, M. C. M., & dos Santos, C. S. (2019). Problem-Posing as a Critical Pedagogy in Mathematics Teacher Education. In M. L. Avila & L. S. F. de Carvalho (Eds.), Critical Mathematics Education (pp. 161-184). Springer.
  5. Freire, P. (1998). Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  6. Wood, D. (2016). Problem-Posing Education: Bringing the Radical into the Rational. Springer.
  7. Minerva. (n.d.). Minerva: The World's Premier Liberal Arts Education. Retrieved from https://www.minerva.kgi.edu/
  8. Freire, P. (1996). Paulo Freire on Education that Liberates. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED424006.pdf
  9. Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Heart. Bloomsbury Academic.
  10. Freire, P. (2004). Pedagogy of Hope: Reliving Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Bloomsbury Academic.
Updated: Feb 14, 2024
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A Study Of Education's Banking Concept, a Comparison to Problem Solving And The Technological Impact. (2024, Feb 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-study-of-educations-banking-concept-a-comparison-to-problem-solving-and-the-technological-impact-essay

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