The profession I have chosen for my career is a Personal Trainer. A personal trainer is a fitness professional who helps clients achieve fitness goals and a healthy lifestyle. I chose it not because I had to but because it is something that I am extremely passionate about. I am in a fitness environment on an almost daily basis. I have the capability of making fitness a fun activity for my friends and motivate them to incorporate a healthy fitness routine in their everyday lives.

I already have an understanding that by eating healthy and engaging in physical activity will help myself be as healthy as I can be. I have an interest in motivating others to achieve this mind set. The educational requirements for this profession, of course, varies depending on where you are employed and how detailed your position is. You can perform this job with minimal education of only a Personal Trainer Certification, however, it would be at the beginners’ level.

Many employers, however, prefer their trainers to have a degree in exercise science, physical education, or kinesiology or a related fitness field.

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Typically employers expect certification along with practical experience and formal education. (Career Cruising). A personal trainer certainly obtains a core of their experience through hands-on experience as well as their anatomy knowledge through their college education of 4 years. There are many universities now that offer personal trainer courses. The education costs vary depending on how in depth you wish to pursue your education. You can do certification courses, online courses, and actual college courses.

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(Livestrong). You will need to have good people skills as well as being extremely physically fit. You will need to want to be moving every single minute for 7 to 8 hours per day. You don’t need that much experience but you must be able to keep your clients interested in the workout and know how to use the gym equipment. Experience can be obtained at a local gym facility which offers Personal Trainer Certifications. (Career Cruising) I believe that I am suited for this career because I am already physically fit and have the ability to motivate people in a variety of ways. I am an outgoing person that loves to be moving every minute. I love being with people who are as motivated as I am.

The entry wage for this particular profession is $11.44 hourly and $23,800 yearly. The median wage is $21.70 hourly and $45,140 yearly. The experienced wage is $38.44 hourly and $79,960 yearly. The average wage for New York, California and Florida is $44,570 to $52,920. The projected job growth from 2010 to 2020 is approximately 25 percent. Factors that affect your salary range of where you are employed such as if it is at a local gym where you will be making the starting salary or if you are a gym owner where you would be making the top salary. (Career Cruising). The costs of setting up a gym if you chose to be self-employed would require renting space for your gym, gym equipment, insurance, and advertising. If you chose to work for someone, then they absorb those costs. Personal trainers working for an established gym can expect lucrative earning potential, exceptional benefits package such as health insurance, opportunities for advancement, continuing education opportunities and free club privileges. If you are self-employed you can take vacations and retire when you desire. (Career Builders). There are some personal injury concerns with this particular occupation such as your body gets fatigued, potential strain and possible injury when working with some clients.

With the trend to have people become more physically fit due to health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, the healthcare field is promoting becoming an active individual and opposes being sedentary. People want to live longer and healthier and are seeing the benefits of being active through gym memberships which include having personal trainers show them how and when to use the equipment properly and also covers a beneficial nutritional plan with the client even by going shopping with them. Therefore, the prospect in this particular field is growing because health insurance plans are now even covering the cost of a gym membership which makes it easier for people to obtain a personal trainer. By 2020 there will be a growth of 25% more job opportunities in this field. (Cure-Health). The usual working day timeframe is between 7 to 8 hours. The day would begin with assessing a client’s health, fitness and goals, develop personalized fitness programs, show clients how to use gym apparatus and perform exercises, workout with clients offering encouragement and motivation. The best part of the day is knowing that I am contributing to clients’ well-being. (Coaches and Fitness Professionals) I believe one of the most challenging aspects of this position would be someone not in great physical shape and is not motivated to really help themselves but is expecting a personal trainer to fix all of their bad habits.

I believe that I am suitable for this career choice because, I am a motivated person and love physical activity. I am at present encouraging my friends and family to workout at the gym with me and have already seen some positive changes in their way of thinking about physical fitness and even their actual physical appearance. I learned that you are not only a influence at the gym but that you can also encourage good nutritional habits even by going to the grocery store with a client and helping them make good dietary choices. I will look forward to this career choice as not only a job but a way of life. I would like to one day own my own Personal Trainer business and perhaps even my spouse will be a part of it because I cannot imagine a life with someone that is sedentary and not interested in being health conscience.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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