Ethics in Nursing: Shaping Values for Patient-Centered Care


Nursing often places us at the nexus of ethical dilemmas, navigating the intricate interplay between physicians, patients, families, colleagues, and employers. Within this complex web, our ethical values and behaviors serve as guiding principles, directing us towards providing optimal care for our patients. This essay explores the definition of ethical values, the development of personal ethical values, their impact on the nurse's life, and aspirations for future ethical behavior.

Understanding Ethical Foundations

According to Guido, ethics encompasses the principles and assumptions that dictate how individuals or groups should conduct themselves.

It delves into motives, attitudes, and their connection to the individual (2010). An ethical person is characterized by sound character traits, thoughtful reflection, a commitment to justice, and a pursuit of fundamental fairness within the community. Leadership that empowers everyone, especially the powerless, exemplifies ethical behavior. These values are cultivated through environmental influences, interpersonal connections, and life experiences.

Personal Ethical Values

Within the realms of relationship and reputation lenses, I have embraced two ethical values that serve as the bedrock of my life: honesty and respect for others and self.

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The seed of honesty was planted in my childhood by my father, who insisted on hearing the unvarnished truth, fostering a commitment to integrity in all circumstances. This ethical value proves invaluable in decision-making across various scenarios. Respect for others, another core value, was instilled during my school years by a teacher who emphasized building positive relationships and nurturing a good reputation through respect.

These ethical values provide a robust framework for identifying, pursuing, and achieving goals (Judson & Harrison, 2010).

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They play a pivotal role in maintaining interpersonal relationships with patients and colleagues, guiding decision-making processes, aiding in problem-solving, and facilitating conflict resolution in both personal and professional spheres. For instance, ensuring a patient's right to quality care involves fulfilling promises made before surgery, maintaining a sterile environment during operations, and upholding the patient's understanding of surgical risks.

As an operating room nurse, I take pride in ensuring a safe surgical environment, from providing sterile instruments to maintaining the integrity of the sterile field. The satisfaction and self-respect derived from these efforts are profound, knowing that my actions contribute to positive changes in someone's life. The value of respecting others extends to my nursing practice, where I consistently provide care with dignity and respect for patients of all backgrounds and conditions, fostering strong relationships with patients, their families, and co-workers.

Ethical Aspirations

Looking forward, I aspire to develop a heightened focus on patient advocacy. In our multicultural society, understanding diverse cultures and values is paramount for providing culturally competent care. Patient advocacy involves championing the rights and well-being of patients, ensuring their voices are heard, and understanding their unique needs in the context of their cultural background.


In conclusion, the ethical values that shape my nursing practice have a profound and positive impact on both my personal and professional life. Honesty and respect for others guide my interactions, decision-making, and contributions to a collaborative healthcare environment. As I eagerly embrace the opportunity to learn about and respect different cultures, my aspirations for future ethical behavior center around patient advocacy. This commitment reflects my dedication to providing patient-centered care that is not only medically proficient but also culturally sensitive, fostering continual improvement in my nursing career.

Written by Liam Williams
Updated: Jan 18, 2024
Keep in mind: this is only a sample!
Updated: Jan 18, 2024
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Ethics in Nursing: Shaping Values for Patient-Centered Care. (2016, Mar 29). Retrieved from

Ethics in Nursing: Shaping Values for Patient-Centered Care essay
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