Organizing Function of the Management

There are four basic functions of management. Organizing is one of the four functions without which a management cannot work. There are a number of things that needs to be taken into consideration while organizing, which is a continuous process. One of the important aspects is organizing human resource. In the organization with which I am familiar with, organizing human resources entails ensuring that appropriate numbers of employees who possess the required skills to execute the job are being hired.

The managers are responsible to ascertain whether the workforce is being completely utilized or not and whether the staffs are recruited in the area most suitable to their skills, educational qualifications and experience.

Apart from these the training of employees, compensation, yearly increment, personnel policies, keeping employee records, transfer of employees from one branch to another etc. all come under the human resource umbrella. Since the organization, that is being discussed is big in size and has many branches in different parts of the country, the management has a separate human resource department in each of its branches.

The head office of the organization overlooks the working of the human resource department of each and every branch.

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The number of people in the human resource division in each and every branch varies according to the number of employees working from that branch. There are many branches that have only one person looking after the HR activities. That person is responsible to regularly update the HR department of the head office about all the HR related activities of that particular branch.

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The HR department of the head office has the highest number of employees who are subdivided according to the area they are looking after.

For example there are personnel who just deal with the recruitment and training, another set of staff look after the compensation and increment issues and there are some people who look after the country wide personnel policies, employee records and transfer issues. Since there are clearly demarcated areas of work for each and every employee in the head office and since each and every employee possess appropriate qualifications to handle the work he is dealing with, I could make out that human resource in that organization is being organized efficiently.

Human resource is not only being appropriately organized just in head office but also in other branches as the HR person of each and every branch is in constant touch with the related people in the head office so that every issue is given high priority and all the problems are sorted out as soon as possible, sometimes instantly. This point brings into discussion how efficiently the technology in the organization that I am discussing about is being used so that problems of each and every branch is being sorted out in as less time as possible.

All the branches are well connected to the head office as well as other branches with the help of the latest technology. Technology of the organization is considered as one of its extremely important resources by the higher management. The management understands how crucial it is to function effectively especially when it is spread in different locations. An organization cannot survive in the absence of effective communication between its staffs. With the advent of new technology, communication has become easier and faster.

There is constant teleconferencing between the branches and between the different hierarchies of staff so that both vertical and horizontal communication is maintained. Providing support to the staff and customer has become a lot easier for the higher management. Due to technology, the organization boasts of working 24 X 7. Customers can come up with their problems even in the middle of the night. Since the organization makes use of the latest technology it is well prepared to deal with all the issues all the time. The organization that is being discussed deals in banking business.

It keeps on updating its technological assets from time to time in order to keep up to the changing times. This attitude and excellent organizing of the technology has lead to a phenomenal rise in its customer base. Since people might need to engage in banking transactions even in the middle of the night especially during any emergency, the organization ensures that the quality of service during day and night time are same. Apart from emergency, there are many other reasons when people carry out many activities which were earlier reserved for only day time.

But nowadays due to demanding careers and lifestyle change of the majority of people, 24 X 7 services are in great demand. The organization strongly believes that keeping up to the demand of the people is not possible without embracing ever increasing technological advancement. Hence it is there for the customers any time, any day, even on holidays. Perhaps this is the reason why it has been successful in gaining loyalty of a large number of people throughout the country.

People can now carry out their business transactions at mid night sitting at the comfort of their homes through internet and phone calls that are always responded to. Knowledge and technology are interrelated to each other in many aspects. One can fully make use of the technology only when one is well abreast of the current trends and advancement in technology. The computer age implies that everybody will have to keep on updating their knowledge as what is new today would become obsolete in a couple of years. The organization has a stored knowledge repository.

It has staff that deals with the constant information flow and sorts out what is relevant for successful functioning of the organization. To be able to discriminate between the relevant and irrelevant information, a great amount of knowledge not only of the changing industry demands and trends but also of the exact mission and targets of the company one is working for is required. The organization emphasizes on updating its staff and providing them necessary training so that explicit knowledge becomes more implicit and the transition from ideas to commercialization is effective.

Hence, with proper organizing of human resources, technology and knowledge the organization has created a niche for itself and is one of the leaders in the segment it is dealing in. It enjoys a respectable position in the market. References Forsyth, R. and Naylor, C. (1985). The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence. London: Chapman and Hall / Methuen. Rue, L. W. & Byars, L. L. (1992). Management Skills and Applications (6th ed. ) USA: IRWIN Rothbauer-Wanish, H. (2010). Organizing as a Management Function. Retrieved Feb. 9, 2010from http://businessmanagement. suite101. com/article. cfm/organizing_as_a_management_function

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Organizing Function of the Management. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

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