Open science and open data - a new dimensions in openness for academic libraries

Categories: Library

Open Science represents a new approach to the scientific process based on cooperative work and new ways of diffusing knowledge by using digital technologies and new collaborative tools . The OECD defines Open Science as: “to make the primary outputs of publicly funded research results – publications and the research data – publicly accessible in digital format with no or minimal restriction”, but it is more than that. Open Science is about extending the principles of openness to the whole research cycle, fostering sharing and collaboration as early as possible thus entailing a systemic change to the way science and research is done.

Open Science is frequently defined as an umbrella term that involves various movements aiming to remove the barriers for sharing any kind of output, resources, methods or tools, at any stage of the research process.

As such, open access to publications, open research data, open source software, open collaboration, open peer review, open notebooks, open educational resources, open monographs, citizen science, or research crowd funding, fall into the boundaries of Open Science.

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Even though, especially for the library and information domain, the focus is usually placed on two of these movements: Open Research Data and Open Access to scientific publications.

‘Open Science’ is not a new concept itself, although the agreement on this term and its widespread use is relatively recent. Many other terms have been used, and are still used, to refer to the transformation of scientific practice (Science 2.0, e-Science, etc.). But the term ‘Open Science’ has been preferred by the stakeholders, as it has been stated in the report of the European Commission’s 2014 public consultation on ‘Science 2.0: Science in Transition’.

The rationale behind Open Science is complex but one of its main arguments is sociological: scientific knowledge is a product of social collaboration and its ownership belongs to the community.

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From an economic point of view, scientific outputs generated by public research are a public good that everyone should be able to use at no cost. There are in fact multiple approaches to the term and definition of Open Science, that Fecher and Friesike (2014) and have synthesized and structured by proposing five Open Science schools of thought.

Most of these assumptions are not new, as the tradition of openness itself is at the roots of science, but the current developments of information and communication technologies have transformed the scientific practices to a level that requires a different approach to research that must be understood by all the agents involved: researchers, institutions, policy makers, publishers, businesses and society in general.

It is argued that in the long term, the adjective Open should not be necessary, as science will be open by default, and it would be simply named Science.


Science is in continuous transformation. In all probability the sole constant component here is that the modification itself. Some may even see scientific work as being terribly ancient, however of course science is causing society to alter at a quick pace. There are 3 major shifts that we are able to contemplate (Nielsen, 2013) after we look to the present transformation of science. It will provides a terse list of them here, for establishing the contemporary setting within which Open Science develops. However scientists collaborate to make information.

There are new strategies, tools, mandates and recommendation that rework the manner researchers unite nowadays to accelerate discovery. Analysis knowledge Management, the EU Open Science Cloud, the EU analysis space and therefore the European analysis Infrastructure Consortia - to call some - are a part of this shift. However scientists realize which means in information. This shift is tougher to explain, however we are able to offer here the instance of the International HapMap Project. This is often a project in genetic science, completed in 2007, that charts genetic variations within the entire civilization (The International HapMap syndicate, 2005), making the HapMap is creating information. Connecting this new information with human malady offers it nice which means in alternative words, we have a tendency to experiencing a big growth in scientists’ skills sets to search out meanings in information. A modification within the relationship between Science – Society, it's a lot of and a lot of a priority of each scientist and therefore the remainder of society to create a relationship supported common goals, high moral standards, open and effective communication, recorded achievements, transparency and a measurable come back of investment. Open Access, national Science, Science Open Days and Pop Science are some samples of Open Science that are a part of this shift.


The role of libraries on Open Science has been recognized and mentioned at multiple fore, and even supported in public by international organizations and stakeholders. It's natural, as tutorial libraries are already supporting a decent a part of what constitutes Open Science as open access to publications and a lot of recently, open data. Libraries are extensively gift at the Commission Recommendation on Access to and Preservation of Scientific I data in Europe (European Commission, 2012 The OECD expressly includes libraries, repositories and knowledge centers as key actors on Open Science, beside researchers, government ministries, funding agencies, universities and public analysis institutes, non-public non-profit organizations and foundations, non-public scientific publishers, businesses and supra-national entities. within the UK, the Royal Society includes a recommendation on universities. Associate in Nursingd analysis institutes to play a serious role in supporting an open knowledge culture, and libraries are a key part for it (Royal Society 2012). So will the International Council for Science in its recently revealed accord by setting the responsibilities of libraries round the principles and practices for Open knowledge. And their role is that of enablers: “Libraries have custom-made their role and are currently active within the preservation, curation, publication and dissemination of digital scientific materials, within the variety of publications, knowledge and alternative research-related content. Libraries and repositories represent the physical infrastructure that enables scientists to share use and employ the end result of their work, and that they are essential within the creation of the Open Science movement” Libraries and repositories fall under the class of measures and policies that will be enforced by analysis establishments, as soft and exhausting infrastructure, beside 2 different kinds of measures: sticks (mandatory rules, as needs in analysis grand agreements, national ways or institutional policies), and carrots (incentives, as funding to hide the prices of open access business enterprise and datasets unharness, and alternative mechanisms for recognition and career progression. There are many ways in which within which libraries will fulfill their role of enablers and have their say: Advocating and raising awareness: promotion of the advantages of Open Science ought to turn up in parallel with the event of tools and services, the incentives and recognition mechanisms that support excellence in Open Science.

Libraries will advocate at intervals establishments to develop open access policies and roadmaps. This may profit not solely researchers, however additionally alternative stakeholders at institutional level and international level, and even the full society, promoting Open Science and fascinating with voters. Giving support to the infrastructures to share articles or knowledge, together with repositories; keeping with their involvement and responsibilities within the development and governance of repositories of publications and knowledge, with reference to appraisal, selection, description and information application, curation and preservation; data retrieval; observance knowledge employ, citation and impact, etc. conducive to the event of analysis knowledge management , policies and techniques at their home establishments and carrying RDM themselves; coaching and supporting analyzers to open their research workflows, sharing and reusing the analysis outputs created by others.

Besides the mandatory analysis infrastructure, analyzers would like support at a sensible level throughout the full research cycle. Librarians can give steerage, coaching and services in: the availability {of information of knowledge of knowledge} throughout the beta stage of analysis; funding opportunities and requirements; listing and knowledge management; applying metadata; identification of open research strategies and tools for analysis; outputs sharing and publication; data citation, licensing and alternative material possession issues; getting ready knowledge for deposit and semi-permanent preservation of information, among others.

For these functions, librarians got to understand their community analysis practices with reference to data use, production, and sharing, and therefore the platforms, tools and services that they use. However these roles need libraries to develop new processes and skills to fulfill their functions in a very digital age. The discussion on the roles of libraries and librarians on the present scientific setting isn't a brand new one. it's received hefty attention and has been the article of literature, events, surveys and community discussions, a lot of notably since the movement for open access and repositories became international, and a lot of recently with reference to analysis knowledge curation, analysis knowledge management and open knowledge. It adds up to the constant and generalized discussion for librarians and libraries irrespective of if they're tutorial, public, national or special, to spot and outline and defend their roles within the digital era.

It's so a profession and an establishment round-faced with a relentless got to adapt to a dynamical setting. Permanently or unhealthy, it should prove itself and stay guarded. Especially, the studies round the role of educational libraries and analysis knowledge are varied, as is seen within the compilation of resources at e Science Portal for brand spanking new European country Librarians Some examples price mentioning are the survey-based study tutorial librarians and analysis knowledge services: preparation and attitudes or the report committed by analysis Libraries kingdom to port, 2012 . On the role and skills of subject and liaison librarians needed to effectively support the evolving data wants of researchers. The latter known the foremost important skills gap within the areas: Ability to advise on protective analysis outputs; information to advise on knowledge management and curation, together with ingest, discovery, access, dissemination, preservation, and portability; information to support researchers in obliging with the assorted mandates of funders, together with open access requirements; information to advise on potential knowledge manipulation tools employed in the discipline/ subject; information to advise on knowledge mining;


However can all this impact libraries? New publication channels are a challenge for collections and knowledge service work. The sphere of business enterprise is in constant flux. Questionable “predatory” journals have additionally appeared on the market. These are journals that publish all articles notwithstanding quality to gather author fees.

Straight forward on-line business enterprise additionally means constant content is also on the market in several places. One article is also on the market in many slightly completely different versions. This suggests media attainment is progressively vital within the tutorial world. Analysis knowledge and analysis strategies are literally turning into their own variety of publications. Researchers and libraries have a lot of to be told during this space, each in creating the fabric prepared for publication and find and exploitation helpful knowledge materials. It's become apparent that the present organization of man of science services doesn't support open science within the very best manner. Publishing, knowledge management and applying for analysis funding, as an instance, will not be simply unbroken separate. Libraries, IT departments and analysis directors are finding that they have to work so as to produce sensible services to researchers. The progressively international and networked nature of educational work adds its own dimension to the present. Consequently, taking part in international cooperation, involvement and discussion are enclosed within the basic duties of the National Library and therefore the library sector at giant.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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Open science and open data - a new dimensions in openness for academic libraries. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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