Power Struggle and Manipulation in One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest

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The tumultuous era of the 1950s comes alive in Ken Kesey's novel, "One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest," depicting a society plunged into chaos. The narrative revolves around R.P. McMurphy, a brash and rebellious individual, and Nurse Ratched, a domineering figure wielding control over a psychiatric ward with mechanical precision. The clash between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched intensifies, revealing a relentless power struggle that serves as a canvas for exploring the theme of manipulation. This essay will delve into the dynamics of power, the manipulation tactics employed by both characters, and the transformative impact on the ward's patients.

McMurphy's Arrival and the Power Dynamics

From the moment McMurphy steps into the ward, his self-assured demeanor and audacious courage set him apart.

The patients quickly recognize him as "no ordinary admission" (Kesey, 10), signaling a disruption to the established order. Simultaneously, McMurphy discerns the strings pulled by Nurse Ratched, an authoritative force using iron-fisted control to strip away the humanity of her charges.

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The initial signs of McMurphy's defiance surface when he rejects orders to shower, asserting, "I’m already plenty damn clean, thank you" (Kesey, 10). This defiance sets the stage for a profound power struggle between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched.

Manipulation Tactics Unveiled

McMurphy's resistance to Nurse Ratched's authority becomes a focal point, prompting the latter to employ her own manipulative techniques. Recognizing McMurphy's rebellious nature, Nurse Ratched skillfully exploits her control over the ward's conditions and medication. Threatening McMurphy with prolonged confinement and arbitrary medication adjustments, she attempts to quell his defiance.

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In response, McMurphy, cognizant of Nurse Ratched's power, adopts a different strategy.

McMurphy initiates a trust-building campaign with fellow patients, engaging in activities such as card games to foster camaraderie. Nurse Ratched, however, resorts to inducing fear during group sessions to maintain her grip on the patients. This conflicting approach leaves the patients in a state of role confusion, torn between loyalty to Nurse Ratched's established order and the burgeoning trust in McMurphy's unconventional methods.

The Patients' Subjugation and McMurphy's Liberation

Having endured Nurse Ratched's control for an extended period, the patients find themselves conditioned to accept her rules unquestioningly. McMurphy challenges this submissive mindset, contending that the patients deserve better treatment. In a symbolic act of defiance, he takes them on a fishing trip, demonstrating their worth beyond the confines of the ward. As the patients engage in meaningful work, McMurphy subtly manipulates their perception of self-worth and intelligence.

Nurse Ratched, refusing to yield to McMurphy's influence, responds with intensified control tactics. Post-fishing trip, she forces the patients into a group shower, aiming to instill shame and emasculation. McMurphy, however, continues to gain the trust of the patients, evident when Bromden protects him during a shower-room brawl. Despite severe consequences, McMurphy's ability to build trust challenges Nurse Ratched's punitive measures, plunging the ward into a state of madness.

The Triumph of Manipulation

Even in McMurphy's tragic demise, the battle for control within the ward reaches a poignant conclusion. While Nurse Ratched may have temporarily stifled McMurphy's physical rebellion, his message and influence endure. The transformative impact on the patients transcends the confines of the ward, resonating with newfound self-worth and integrity.


Ken Kesey's "One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest" masterfully navigates the complexities of power and manipulation through the tumultuous relationship between R.P. McMurphy and Nurse Ratched. Their struggle for dominance becomes a canvas for exploring the manipulation tactics employed in a psychiatric ward during the 1950s. The patients, caught in the crossfire, undergo a transformative journey, with McMurphy's influence ultimately prevailing over Nurse Ratched's oppressive control. The novel serves as a timeless exploration of societal chaos, power dynamics, and the enduring impact of manipulation on the human psyche.

Updated: Jan 10, 2024
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Power Struggle and Manipulation in One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest. (2016, Oct 01). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/one-flew-over-a-cuckoos-nest-essay

Power Struggle and Manipulation in One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest essay
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