Nadya Suleman’s Background and History

Categories: History

Nadya Suleman is suddenly in the media spotlight, and people wanted to know what kind of a person would be compelled to pursue acquiring such a large family of 14 children, living on welfare assistance. A quick look at Nadya’s life shows that she was born in Fullerton, California, as Natalie Denise Suleman, on July 11, 1975. Nadya is the only child of father, Edward, a native of Iraq and a former Iraqi military man who is now a translator, and mother Angela Doud, a high school teacher.

Her parents were married in Las Vegas in 1974, and divorced in 1999.

She has lived in Los Angeles County her entire life. (Wikipedia, 2010). After graduating from La Puente High School, Nadya earned a psychiatric technician’s license, before working as a psychiatric technician, at Metropolitan State Hospital, a mental hospital in Norwalk, California. In 1999, Nadya acquired a back injury in a patient riot at the hospital and claimed disability, stating she was unable to work. She later included chronic depression, and received a total of $160,000 in disability payments.

With food stamps and disability money, she obtained a bachelor’s degree, from University of Fullerton, in Child and Adolescent Development.

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She was pursuing a master’s degree, when she became pregnant with the octuplets. (octomomma. com, 2009). Nadya has six other children, from two years old to seven years old, with one set of twins. All children were conceived through vitro fertilization. She was married from 1996 – 2008, to Marcos Gutierrez, and Gutierrez filed for divorce, in 2008, because they could not have children.

Nadya and Marcos remain respectful friends.

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(octomomma. com, 2009). Other than the disability claim, Nadya Suleman has not had any other legal issues. She is concerned about how she will provide for her children and losing custody of any or all of them. On January 26, 2010, the octuplets were one year old, and Octomom stays in the public’s eye, still receiving occasional death threats from the public. (Wikipedia, 2010). The issue of who will pay for the Suleman octuplets is still questionable, with the hospital bill running “from 1.

5 to 3 million dollars,” and “the cost of raising them even higher” (Gerdes, Louise, 2010). To generate income, she has done a television interview with NBC’s Ann Curry, posed for photographs for Star Magazine, visited the Dr. Phil show, the Oprah Winfrey Show, and Idol Gives back. She is also working on a two-hour television show called “Octomom: The Incredible Unseen Footage,” with Fox. She has rejected plastic surgery, a reality television show, and Vivid Entertainment’s offers to appear in a pornographic movie, to pay off her bills.

She also denies that her house is currently in foreclosure, scheduled to be auction off soon. In 2008, her parents filed bankruptcy, with over $1 million in debts. (Wikipedia, 2010). In her future, she hopes to become a schoolteacher. Her interviews state that she never expected to be unemployed or be on government financial assistance. She has also stated she never expected have so many children, and is overwhelmed taking care of them, getting only a few hours of sleep every night. (Wikipedia, 2010).

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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