Nabokov- Good Reader and Writer

Categories: Free Essays

A good reader will ask themselves questions as they read along, using sticky notes for that section. This technique allows the readers to come back to the questions and answer them after reading more of the novel or essay. Also, a good reader uses hints the author hides through the passage for the reader to interpret. This lets readers figure out what message the author wants the reader to know.

Good readers are active readers which means they use their reading experiences for support by bringing knowledge from the world into reading.

In addition, they use comprehension strategies to draw conclusions, synthesize and compare and contrast. Further, a good reader knows when to slow down and read faster based on difficulty. When a good reader doesn’t understand a word he/she uses context clues to figure out the meaning of it. Lastly, a good reader should have an open mind based on his/her reading.

A good writer uses proper punctuation at all times.

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Grammar and spelling are important as well. Also, a writer should have a lot of knowledge based on what he/she is writing about. This means that the writer should create a plan before writing. This means that the writer will research ones topic before writing about it. In addition, a good writer should create a plan before writing to have a formal paper.

To tell the truth, if a writer doesn’t truly believe in what one is writing about then that’s not a writer at all.

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A good writer would not care about what others think of ones opinion. Finally, a good writer grabs the reader’s attention from the beginning of the story. Lastly, a good writer writes novels with enough detail to let the reader understand, but not too much so the reader has to interpret the story you are writing about.

Updated: Mar 22, 2023
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Nabokov- Good Reader and Writer essay
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