My Primary School Experience

Schooldays are the most pleasurable gift that are directly gifted by god to every human. It is filled with happiness. It also acquaints me to some precious friends and unforgettable thoughts to my life. I am privileged to share my reminiscence of my school The name of my school is sithi vinayagar primary school in agathapati. I reside in venkatayapuram. My native is pastoral background devoid of basic needs. Even for catering our necessity we depend on the nearby village sundrapandium.

Due to non-availability of transport, I and my friends used to walk half hour to reach my school.

My Experience at Management School

It was a management school of belonging to a particular caste group. These prevails the dominance of the caste students over the other sects of students There were five teachers working under a single head master. People from the surrounding villages work in different posts. My school locked good infrastructure, as it is located in the outskirts of the village.

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No one pays respect to my school . only for earning a good income management dares to function the school. My school commence from 9 am to 5 pm.

By 9. 00am prayer song would be sung leading up to the announcement with the national anthem in the end of the prayer session. After that we enter into our respective classes as regular sessions commences then. At 12. 30 am all the students gathered under the neem tree and share their lunch wit their friends. After that we played together. The school routine comes to an end at 5 pm and we return home happily.

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During Friday and Monday, students were strictly advised to wear uniform. Personally I hate those two days because my friends and I enjoy wearing colour dresses than uniform.

My Experience with Extracurricular Experiences and Exams

Every year I wait for annual day function. The preparations begin almost two or three weeks in advance with a lot of rehearsals. My friends and I eager in participating in drama. While doing my third standard, I earned a first prize by participating in a drama. In my school days I had the passion to participate in other activities than subjects. So my friends and I were not interested in going school. Contrary to that our parents strictly forced us to go to school. Usually I try to invent reasons to be away from tedious school hours.

But all my attempts remain futile. During rainy days, flood encounters our two villages. So holidays may be announced from schools. I enjoyed those days and my mind long to cherish those days. I was not interested in studies, so even solving simple calculations seem to be a complex issue for me. Exams take a shape of the giant before me always. Any how I managed exams easily by keeping the books open. When I was in school, the importance of my school life was not known to me. When I was in fifth standard my school was in critical condition.

The management decided to utilize the area of land constructed for a marriage hall. After a long search, they allotted a big house as our school premises. After completing my fifth standard, I shift my home to near down for my higher studies. But my school was not able to survive for a long time. At present I in my college ,but I will never forget my primary school. Eventhogh it was a past experience. A school plays a vital role in everyone’s life. So don’t forget your school. I wish that everyone should enjoy their school life with full joy and pleasure.

Updated: Dec 21, 2020
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