My Personal Experience in Learning Languages

Categories: Language

My passion for language has been the most consistent aspect of my life. Beside my Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies at Gadjah Mada University, I took several language courses outside campus in English, Spanish and Mandarin. These language learnings not only taught me about the language itself, but also the culture and story behind each language. Having some working experiences in various industries such as Public Relations and Banking also made me discover how language affects our lives in a professional setting.

Furthermore, I got the chance to work in several international events, both as volunteer and part-timer, which I encountered many people from numerous countries where I learned various languages.

It fascinates me how language gives us insights into their background and belief. Whether in personal communication from one to one or in a mass communication, language plays a vital role in communications. Without proper knowledge of the language, there are chances that we would be unable to communicate effectively.

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Hence, I believe the Applied Linguistics program can increase my understanding of how language works in personal, social and professional situation. I have chosen an MA program in Applied Linguistics in UCL because the program and subject course modules are suitable for my needs. The UCL Institute of Education, in particular, is ranked first for education in the QS World University Rankings in 2019 for the sixth year running. Additionally, UCL is located in the urban setting of the metropolis of London, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world.

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UCL itself has around 18.000 international students who come from very diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This can help to enhance the understanding of the nature of human languages and human sociality. One of the modules that I plan to take in UCL’s Applied Linguistics program is Language at Work which conducted by Dr. Zsófia Demjén.

I want to explore how language works in a various professional and cultural context such as business and healthcare, as well as in different types of communication, such as advertising and informal conversations. This particular subject has not been widely studied in Indonesia, so it will provide me a new perspective and help me to design my dissertation. Other modules that I would like to take are English in Diverse World Contexts and Internet Cultures: Theory and Practice. In a few years, I see myself as a communication practitioner, either in academic, government or private institution. It is a substantial factor for Indonesian people to thrive in this increasingly globalized world.

To compete in this super competitive world, the study will equip me with the knowledge and skills required to pursue a career in the communication industry.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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