My Motivation to Obtain a Profession Of Pharmacist

Categories: Career GoalsSkills

From Fleming's accidental discovery of Penicillin, to the recent drug 'Zmapp' which cured eighteen monkeys that had been infected with Ebola, the recent developments in pharmaceutical research and development agreeing their most effective treatment are astounding. I too want to play a vital role by learning how a drug is developed that could potentially help people overcome illnesses. What interests me most about Pharmacy is that it gives the chance to interact with people. My interest in this subject area has led me to complete a Future Learn course in 'Exploring Cancer Medicines'.

From this, I have learnt that cancer affects one in three and caused approximately 250, 000 deaths in 2014. This stark figure is really motivating as I want to be part of the solution.

In order to gain skills working in a pharmaceutical setting, I completed work experience in Newport Pharmacy and from this I gained first-hand experience in dispensary and learnt about the manufacture of some of the medications, such as Aspirin.

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This was later proven in my study of Chemistry where in a practical we produced Aspirin. I was also given the responsibility of helping make prescriptions - such as supplying the correct dosage to patients - under the supervision of the pharmacist. My interest in wider reading led me to read the 'Pharmaceutical Journal' and, from this, I discovered the advancements made in the past 70 years through the NHS. For instance it was only after 1986 that hospital pharmacies were recommended to provide24-hour cover. This highlights the importance of pharmacies in the modern-day health system as they reduce the demand on the already over stretched Accident & Emergency departments.

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This has become more apparent in recent times due to advancements in legislation and drug availability.

I have also undertaken voluntary work at the British Heart Foundation where we designed posters which were displayed across Bolton town centre in order to gain awareness for the cause. I've volunteered within the shop which generates funds for more research to take place.

Furthermore, I have also taken part in charity events that were held by the charity Global Ramah Foundation in order to gain awareness for the crises in places, particularly in the Middle East, such as Gaza. I maintained the stalls and ensured the event was running smoothly and efficiently, working closely with the organisers. I learnt from this experience the importance of communication and teamwork and how this results in success. Furthermore, I also have excellent time-management skills and this is proven as I have undertaken the 'Senior Prefect' role and participated in societies such as History and Politics Society and help maintain Chess Society which I attend weekly.

I have also participated in the NCS programme. As a result, I learnt a wide array of skills such as my team-working skills as I was the team leader of my group and helped organise our social action project. As part of the programme I had also learnt first-aid. As a consequence I have become independent and ready to live away from home through this experience.

I'm an active person and this is evident as I play sports such as badminton and football during the weekends. I also have a keen interest in global affairs and I regularly read 'The Guardian' or 'The Telegraph'. Recently, I was chosen to represent my College at an event known as 'Bolton 2030' which proposed future developments for the town in 12 years' time and also took further suggestions from the participants in attendance. This had enhanced my communication and public speaking skills.

In conclusion, I consider myself to be hard-working and possess the required skills and unwavering drive which are needed to excel in Pharmacy. I firmly have confidence that through my determination, I would succeed in this course. I believe this degree will be a strong foundation to build a career as a professional pharmacist thus achieving my ultimate goal.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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My Motivation to Obtain a Profession Of Pharmacist. (2024, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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