My memories about my life

Categories: MemoriesMemoryNoise

When I think about staying home alone, I always remember back to that night, so long ago. The images are stuck in my head. It was the scariest night of my life and it still haunts me, almost two years later. The daytime isn't so bad. I don't hear the noises of the nearby street or see the shadows of the trees swaying in the wind. I don't see the images dancing around outside my window. My house was my safe haven, but it didn't feel so safe anymore.

It was a Wednesday night in January.

I wanted to listen to music as I fell asleep, so I got my stereo out with some new music and I drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep on the couch in the living room, which I will never do again. All of a sudden, I awoke to a strange noise. I wasn't sure what was going on or what made the noise, but it seemed to be coming from outside the sliding glass door, off of the living room.

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It was a tapping sound. It frightened me.

I went in to wake my mom. "Mom," I called. My mom was fast asleep. Her room is also right next to the sliding glass door. She woke up for a quick minute. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I heard a noise," I replied. "I'm sure it was just something outside. Go back to sleep. Everything's okay," she reassured me. I went back to lay down on the couch.

I started to drift off again.

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As soon as I fell back to sleep, I heard a loud bang, like someone hit something. Almost simultaneously, the alarm on the house sounded and I screamed, running back to my mom's room. When I ran in screaming, my mom was already out of bed. I could see the terror on her face. "What's going on," she asked. I told her I didn't know. We were so scared. Nothing like this ever happened before. We didn't know if someone was in the house or not. My mom was shaking and my baby sister was in her crib crying. She told me to stay in the room. She called 911.

"911. What's your emergency?" The dispatcher asked. " My house alarm is going off and I think someone is in the house," my mom responded. The dispatcher asked for our address and tried to keep my mom calm. My mom went out to the living area and then to the alarm panel. The panel informed her that the sliding glass door was open. While she was on the phone with the police department, she went over to the sliding glass door. It was open. The inside door was open about twelve inches and the screen was pushed all the way open. My mom closed the door and locked it. She turned the alarm off. "Help is on the way," the dispatcher told my mom.

There was a knock at the door. It was the police. My mom opened the door. The police came in. They wanted to talk to me. "What did you see?" they asked. "I didn't really see anybody. I just kept hearing noises coming from that door," I told them. "I never saw anybody come in, but I ran to the room, as soon as the alarm went off." My mom told them about me coming in to wake her shortly before the alarm sounded. "Are you sure your son didn't sleepwalk and open that door?" they asked. "He's never done that before," my mom stated. The police searched the house, but there was no sign. They found a hammer and some stakes in the yard, but nothing that would lead them to believe someone tried breaking in. They didn't take fingerprints. They completed their reports and told us they would keep an eye on the house for a while. What they didn't understand was that whoever tried breaking in may not have taken anything from our house, but they took our sense of security. For days, we slept with all the lights on. We made sure there was a stick in all of the windows. My mom bought locks for the windows too and soon after, she had security doors put on all the doors to the house.

We live in, what most would call, a well off area. An area that most would feel was safe, but in that instance, all of my safety had been torn away from me. We got a dog soon after to keep a watch on the house. With everything that has been put in place, I am still skeptical of being left home alone. It's almost been two years now, but I remember it like it was yesterday. It's something you never really get over and you definitely never forget. It stays engraved in your mind.

Updated: Jan 11, 2021
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My memories about my life. (2019, Dec 19). Retrieved from

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