Indelible Memories

Categories: Hurricane SandyMemory

First and foremost, I would like to state that I enjoyed most of Chapter 3-Memorable Moments”. At the same time, if I had the opportunity to depict the contents of this chapter, I would make some minor adjustments. First, what would I keep from chapter 3 and why? What is significant and imperative for students to read, discuss, and respond to? Then, what would I add that I believe is important and interesting? Finally, would I take out anything and why?

Most of this chapter would stay intact because these essays and photographs inspired many responses from my classmates.

Due to the responses, we were provided with openings for discussions. Therefore, I would conserve everything up to,” The Photograph” by N. Scott Momaday, page 252-254. Also all the context from “The Photograph” until, the essay by Frank Fournier would be preserved. I feel all of these photos and essays have meaning that we all can relate to and not just a few.

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They all provided that we think out of the box. In addition, these visual and written texts required that we opened our minds to different perspectives than our own, which is very important because it inspires us to want to know more.

Even though I would safeguard most of the works in the chapter, I would insert the speech, “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. This particular declamation is very inspirational and marks a very important turning point in our history. Next, I would have an essay on the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

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Being a woman myself, I am very grateful for this amendment. Another, the story of Anne Frank and her diary, which would include her first and last excerpts, would express the extent and importance of her indelible experiences during the Holocaust. Finally, the last to be injected would be photos from hurricane Sandy and the Derecho Storm that swept across the Eastern U.S to enhance the more current times.

On the other hand, I would remove a few passages from chapter 3, such as “The Photograph”by Momaday. For some reason, I did not find this essay to be very interesting nor did it inspire the participation of the class. Another piece to be extracted would be on pages 594-596. I was not in class the day it was discussed, but my perception was that it just was not necessary. The last items to get rid of would be the additional war photos on pages 656-661, to give way to current events.

As has been noted, there are very few things that I would change from the chapter “Memorable Moments”. There are already a lot of significant memories in this chapter, but only a few that I did not take a liking to. I believe interest and relation to certain subjects and photographs are the building blocks to open up the mind. Lastly, the changes are also important to keep up with current events.

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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Indelible Memories essay
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