High school memories

Being a student drained with assignments, events, projects, laboratory exercises, paper works and some are friends issues is truly difficult, but think that if you have goals in life and you really want to achieve it as soon as possible you will do all the things you can even there are hindrances. Each one of us wants to become successful academically. And now, they say that there’s a part of our life as student wherein we learn things at the same time we do fun and that is the high school life.

High school is the part of our life that plays a significant role.

In this stage, we will learn about friendships and relationships, coming into our own personalities and discovering who we really are. “High school might have screwed all of us up, but we’ll see it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us”. Entering high school is very nervous at first because of new teachers you’ll meet if it is terror or a kind, classmates if they are bullied and even the environment.

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There’s a chance that sometimes you ask yourself if this high school would be great as elementary years? Or same as kinder years?

Because in elementary and kinder we’re always guided by our parents to do home works from school and they are one who is liable whatever we do in our school but, in high school, we are the one who faced all the things we’ve done and decisions that we’ve made.

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But the good things about high school is we’re about to learn more advanced things that will help in our studies and careers in the future, and that time of processing, we are preparing ourselves to go out and explore and discover more things in the real world.

Some people may say that high school is just like an ordinary where you study, study and study and nothing else but, I proved them wrong through all my experiences within past four years. As time flies, I could say that high school was filled with happiness, sadness and brought us a full of excitement. It’s like a full package gift that you received in your entire life, well that’s it. And for me, that is my precious years and no one ever forgets the four years I have been in high school.

High school can describe in different ways, like full of surprises, craziness and many more, but the all in all description of what is high school is; Fun, wild and memorable. High school is fun. Fun in a way that you interact with your classmates and forming an allied to do a crazy things in your classroom and sometimes no one can notice even your adviser unless when one of your classmates tell the foolishness that you did together with your friends. It became a habit in high school whenever the teacher in not around and the one who lead the class no other than the class president.

It is another great time in your life as a high school student because you gain your freedoms, new experiences with classmates sometimes called "kolokoy" and new responsibilities. And the time you spent together with your classmates build a strong and harmonious relationship that last for a long time. High school is wild. At this stage where some of you have been curious with the things around and it results with the love life, green minded jokes, heartaches and also having an antagonist in your life in short enemies or "kotradiba" (insert evil laugh).

Green jokes or green minded jokes it is a humorous line which intended you to think very deep with doubt, but of course in the end it makes you laugh with a wide mouth. Another part of being wild in high school is having a love life, and heartaches. Love life gives you inspiration to perform better in school, knowing better about yourself and your partner and share a common goods with your best buddy. But forever doesn't exist, because there's a word heartbreak and it goes to heartaches, but despite of what happened, you should move on and continue to rock with your classmates.

Well, it is part of life of a student and at least you have been starting to explore your world as a teenager High school is memorable. All in all this is the episode of your life that you are definitely treasuring every minute you’ve been together with your “barkadas”, friends and even your teachers because high school doesn’t last forever, but rather through reminiscing the wildest, funniest, craziest, happiest and saddest moments you have done in high school will not be forgotten until the end of time.

You were not a true high school student if you didn't join and enjoy the most exciting and unforgettable Juniors-Seniors Promenade where in that moment you will experience the butterflies bugging in your stomach whenever your crush and you danced as the music plays for you and to other students. And also you will feel that the way he danced (your crush) with you as if he was your prince and you are her princess in that nighttime. Every moment that you have on your high school was memorable which no one can replace with that because it only happens once in a lifetime and it will never have a duplicate as you grow older.

High school may look daunting at first, but with time, you will get to appreciate and treasure everything around your experiences. High school life could be your worst and best thing that you ever had and you should treasure every bit you've together with the best buddies in your life. It's also the happiest and most memorable journey and as you graduated, it doesn't imply that all the things were ended up, but it is the beginning of more thrilling and most exciting chapter of your life. In short, a life-challenging episode starts right away. BONROSTRO, DHEL-ALYSSA M.

Updated: Jan 11, 2021
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High school memories. (2016, Oct 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/high-school-memories-essay

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