My favorite things

Categories: My Favourite

It is often said that the best things in life are free, I, for one, fully agree with the statement. To me, "best" does not imply the most beautiful or glamorous, or the most indulgent or heavenly, but it is those things which I held to be the most valuable and precious in my life. Most people would choose to write about their role model (usually their mother), or the sunset, or even the rain. Some would write about food, others about clothes.

I, on the other hand, have "favourite" things of a very different kind.

It might sound strange, but my favourite things are: my eyes, my nose, my mouth, my ears, and my hands. Although they are nothing out of the ordinary (no unfortunately I haven't been blessed with aquamarine eyes, or perfectly pouting lips), these features are my favourite things because of their ability to evoke in me experience of pure, unadulterated bliss.

Take my eyes, for instance.

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People say that one's eyes are the window to one's soul. Then I must have a fairly bleak, run-of-the mill type of soul, for what you will see when you look at my eyes are two dark-brown, round buttons. They do not exude any magnetism; neither do they give off an aura of mystery and melodrama. But, they have been the rolls with which I have been able to witness many a beautiful sunset. The sun spreads its mosaic of colour on the horizon, amidst wisps of drifting clouds, as hues of russet pink and violet glisten across the sapphire sky.

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Then, darkness tears the sky asunder, as day slips into night, providing a canvas for the vast constellation of stars that sparkle majestically, illuminated by the glow of the moon. Serenity fills my souls and soothes my mind as the magnificence and splendour of the sunset captives me.

My next favourite thing is my nose, a feature that quite dominant on my visage, conspiracy exhibiting its own sense of prominence. I assume that it could serve as a rather good model to demonstrate inclined planes in a Physics practical or even gradient in Analytical Geometry. However, I hold my nose in high esteem for the many delectable scents that it allows me to smell: the subtle scent of a delicate flower that tickles the nostrils like a gentle breeze; a calming perfume that comforts my heart; a beautiful fragrance that is soft yet intense; subtle powerful, aromatic blends that engulf the nostrils with sweet smell.

Not much can be said about my mouth. Although my upper lip is a perfectly shaped Cupid's bow, my lower lip seems to have natural Botox. I would also have preferred my lips to be more of a rosy-plink colour, rather than the dull mauve that they are. However, all disappointments disappear when I consider the heavenly taste of chocolate mousse that has passed through these same lips- the feeling of pleasure and contentment that engulfs my entire being as the rich taste intoxicates my sense, is unmatchable. The sensation of sweetness soaks into my taste buds, as it slowly oozes down my throat and into my oesophagus.

The last of my favourite things are my hands, which are preceded by skinny elongated arms, both of which could be used rather effectively in a Geography lesson to teach the concept of a river and its many tributaries, due to the map of the deep-blue veins that run their course along the inside of my arms. Yet, this ghostly sight is forgotten when I remember the soothing feeling of a long, hot bath and the silky sensation of warm soap bubbles against my skin. All stress and tension drains away into the soapy water and my body feels rejuvenated and invigorated, the mind floating upwards like a soap bubble, into another realm.

So these are my favourite "things". Of course, they come with their own imperfection but I am nevertheless extremely grateful for hem. My favourite things bring me feelings of joy, love, and achievements, success, giving, and caring, all of which cannot be seen or even touched. They can only be felt with the heart.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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