Money Is a Good Servant but a Bad Master

Categories: CommunicationMoney

In our everyday life, money seems to be a necessary element. Without money, we cannot do anything. The utility of money is enormous and powerful and the proverb is actually ``Money is a good friend but also is a bad master``. I will try to prove the truth of this proverb and its certainty.

Everyone has to work hard to earn for a living. Each one provides a service and gets revenue in return. This is how it works in society today.

With his/her income, s/he pays his/her basic need such as rent, food, transportation and clothing.

We need money to survive and sustain our everyday life. Without money, we have to spend our night time on the street, wear second handed clothing, eat the food found in the garbage bin and walk to our destination. We will become a beggar living on the street and have miserable life. Therefore, each one has to work to earn the money to sustain their life.

Second, money can give a person the power of consummation.

With the revenue, one can purchase a car for better convenience.

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S/he can go to a fancy restaurant with his/her loved one. S/he can live in a bigger house for comfort. S/he can dress up in a beautiful suit for appearance. The person can improve his/her life by spending the money s/he earns and has more diversity in her/his life. Money brings human being happiness, satisfies one's secondary needs and gives a person the power of consummation.

Third, money is a good solution to problems.

When one encounters a problem, for example, s/he lost his power supply for their laptop.

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Then, s/he can go to the computer store and buy a new one. S/he can solve his problem by spending money in the fastest and most way instead of borrowing one from his friend or spending a whole day to find it.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Money Is a Good Servant but a Bad Master essay
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