Understanding Mental Health: Breaking Stigma & Providing Support

Mental stability, also known as mental health, is the way individuals react to, think about, and feel about their everyday lives. Throughout history, those with unusual or dangerous behaviors were often labeled as witches or possessed by evil spirits and were isolated in prisons or institutions. In the 1950s, advancements in research and technology improved treatment for mental disorders. In the United States alone, over 45 million adults - approximately 25% of those over 18 - suffer from a mental illness. Many may not even realize they have a mental illness or may hide it from others, leading to negative outcomes such as drug abuse, suicide, violence, or conflicts with loved ones.

Education on mental disorders is essential in today's society where individuals are often categorized as either "normal" or "abnormal" based on their behavior. The term "abnormal" is used to label those who do not meet society's expectations of what is considered normal. Mental illness is often associated with behaviors that are perceived as strange or abnormal.

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While the term "illness" typically brings to mind physical ailments, mental disorders are also seen as unhealthy. For instance, a child who has experienced physical abuse may develop a different personality as a way to cope with the trauma.Without finding healthy coping mechanisms,such children may engage in harmful behaviors like suicidal tendencies.(source: Talking To Kids About Mental Illnesses) It is important to acknowledge and deal with these mental health issues rather than pretending they do not exist.

According to Corrigan, Patrick W., and Amy C.

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Watson, various factors like stigma, judgment, and separation of individuals can lead to misunderstandings about mental disorders. Discrimination is often faced by those with mental disorders despite the fact that these illnesses are not caused by brain damage like physical ailments such as lung cancer or diabetes. Some mental disorders may have a genetic component while others can be triggered by traumatic events like the loss of a loved one or physical abuse.

Proper support is essential for people with mental illnesses who are usually not dangerous and can fully recover if treated early and effectively. However, ongoing treatment may be necessary to prevent recurrence of the disorder (What is mental illness?). Dealing with stigma and misconceptions from others is often the biggest challenge for someone with a mental illness or in recovery. Support from family, friends, and community members is crucial to help individuals cope with their mental health issues.

Encouraging individuals to stay on track with their medication or therapy can boost their confidence in achieving mental stability. Understanding their struggles is key to providing effective guidance and counseling when talking to someone with a mental disorder. It's crucial to emphasize the advantages of seeking professional help instead of engaging in debates.

The Social Determinants of Health, including sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, gender, and socioeconomic status, significantly impact the development of mental disorders. Addressing these determinants can lead to improved health outcomes at both individual and community levels. For instance, LGBTQ+ individuals are at higher risk for depression and anxiety due to discrimination based on their sexual orientation. Similarly, African Americans and American Indians are more likely to experience psychological distress compared to other racial/ethnic groups. Recognizing the importance of addressing these social determinants of health can help state governments enhance overall population health.

It is essential for adolescents to receive education about mental disorders in order to prevent bullying and stigma surrounding mental illness. This education should be included in health classes or provided by parents if not covered in school.

Even young children in preschool may observe and ask about other children showing signs of emotional distress.

Children at a young age require less information due to their limited understanding, while teenagers ask more complex questions similar to adults. Parents should provide correct guidance to their children. Individuals with mental disorders face challenges, including misconceptions and prejudice. Public stigma and self-stigma are common reactions towards these individuals. Different views exist regarding mental illness, such as fear and exclusion from communities, as well as beliefs that those with mental disorders are incapable of making their own decisions and need authoritarian intervention (Susin, Janet; Corrigan, Patrick W., and Amy C. Watson). Benevolence is the concept that individuals with mental illness may require assistance in taking care of themselves, as suggested by Corrigan, Patrick W., and Amy C. Watson.Learning about mental disorders enables early recognition and treatment,and educating children from a young age can help prevent mental disorders in their own lives.Increasing awareness of mental disorders facilitates easier recognition of symptomsand prompt treatment.Recognizing warning signs and learning coping strategies are essential for families affected bymental illness.Those without a mental disorder can also play a role in combating the stigma associatedwith these conditions by being able to recognize symptomsand provide support.Teenagers with mental disorders stress the importance of educating society about mental illnesses to make a significant difference in their lives, as emphasized by Susin, Janet. It is crucial to educate the public about the causes of these illnesses in order to change societal perceptions of individuals with mental disorders.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Understanding Mental Health: Breaking Stigma & Providing Support. (2016, Apr 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/mental-disorder-research-paper-essay

Understanding Mental Health: Breaking Stigma & Providing Support essay
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