The Disintegration of Identity in "The Secretary Chant" by Marge Piercy

Categories: IdentitySecrets

Marge Piercy's poem, "The Secretary Chant," delves into the haunting narrative of a woman who has sacrificed her personal identity to the demands of her profession. Through the adept use of metaphors, paradoxes, personification, and puns, Piercy crafts a vivid portrayal of a female whose existence is eclipsed by her role in the workplace. This essay will explore the multifaceted literary devices employed by Piercy to articulate the speaker's plight and delve into the profound implications of this disintegration of identity.

Metaphors and Personification: Unraveling the Secretary's Existence

At the core of "The Secretary Chant" lies Piercy's masterful use of metaphors, both implied and explicit, that enables the reader to deeply empathize with the central character.

The tone is set from the poem's inception, as the speaker, in a paradoxical twist, personifies herself as an inanimate object—a desk. This deliberate choice immediately establishes the dehumanizing impact of the job on the secretary's identity. Piercy's use of vivid metaphors goes beyond mere similes, creating a stark image of a woman who has become synonymous with her professional role.

In the opening lines, each body part is equated with an office apparatus, emphasizing the transformation of the woman into a mere extension of her workplace.

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Rather than presenting herself as a real woman with features like hair, breasts, and feet, she becomes "rubber bands," "wells of mimeograph ink," and "feet bearing casters." The metaphorical alignment of body parts with office equipment underscores the subjugation of her humanity to the mechanical routine of her secretarial duties.

Paradoxes and Conflicted Identity: The Secretary's Internal Struggle

The paradoxical nature of the secretary's self-perception deepens the exploration of her disintegrated identity.

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While she presents herself as a desk, a piece of office furniture, the contradictions within her descriptions hint at an internal conflict. The speaker's identification of her "head as a badly organized file" introduces a paradoxical juxtaposition of a person as an administrative artifact. Piercy cleverly repeats this idea, emphasizing the chaotic nature of her thoughts with the lines "My head is a switchboard / where crossed lines crackle."

This repetition not only reinforces the disarray within the secretary's mind but also accentuates the overwhelming burden imposed by her professional responsibilities. The paradoxical imagery highlights the internal struggle of the secretary, caught between her dehumanizing work environment and the remnants of her true self attempting to assert its presence.

The Profound Implications: Overwhelmed by Professional Demands

As Piercy weaves a tapestry of metaphors, personification, and paradoxes, the reader is confronted with the profound implications of the secretary's disintegrated identity. The explicit depiction of a woman reduced to the sum of office paraphernalia illuminates the dehumanizing impact of a career that engulfs every aspect of her being. The repetition of disorganization metaphors underscores the toll that this relentless professional life takes on her mental well-being.

The secretary's confusion and overburdened state become palpable, resonating with individuals who may find themselves entangled in the intricate web of work-related identity erosion. Piercy's narrative serves as a poignant commentary on the societal expectations that can lead individuals to lose themselves in the pursuit of professional success, prompting readers to reflect on the delicate balance between personal identity and career obligations.

Conclusion: A Powerful Exploration of Identity Disintegration

In conclusion, Marge Piercy's "The Secretary Chant" masterfully navigates the intricate terrain of identity disintegration within the context of a demanding profession. Through the strategic use of metaphors, personification, and paradoxes, Piercy crafts a compelling narrative that resonates with the universal struggle of maintaining personal identity amid the relentless demands of the workplace. The secretary's plight serves as a poignant reminder of the potential dehumanization that can occur when professional roles supersede individuality, prompting readers to critically examine the delicate interplay between personal identity and career pursuits.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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The Disintegration of Identity in "The Secretary Chant" by Marge Piercy. (2017, Feb 17). Retrieved from

The Disintegration of Identity in "The Secretary Chant" by Marge Piercy essay
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