Trauma and Intimacy: Analysis of Simon Armitage's 'Manhunt'

Categories: Human Nature


Simon Armitage's 'Manhunt' delves into the profound impact of war on the human psyche and the intricate dynamics of an intimate relationship under the shadow of trauma. Through a nuanced exploration of form, structure, and linguistic devices, Armitage crafts a deeply emotive narrative that unravels the complexities faced by a woman seeking to reconnect with her husband after he has been irrevocably changed by the ravages of war.

Structural Complexity

The structural intricacies of 'Manhunt' play a pivotal role in conveying the disarray that war can sow in the lives of those directly affected.

Comprising 13 stanzas of couplets, the irregular rhyme and rhythm mirror the tumultuous aftermath of conflict. The chaotic structure becomes a metaphor for the fractured lives of the protagonists, highlighting the profound disruption caused by war. This structural irregularity serves as a poignant reminder that the impact of war is far-reaching and unpredictable.

Moreover, Armitage skillfully employs the structure to mimic the painstaking exploration of the husband's physical and mental state by his wife.

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The two-line stanzas symbolize the delicate balance the wife must maintain to avoid causing harm or triggering traumatic memories. The repetition of 'and' across multiple stanzas underscores the ongoing, active nature of the wife's efforts to assist her husband. The recurrence of 'only then…' paints a vivid picture of the slow and meticulous process of attempting to heal his wounds, mirroring the arduous journey of recovery from the scars of war.

Linguistic Devices and Imagery

Armitage employs a rich tapestry of linguistic devices to imbue 'Manhunt' with vivid imagery that enhances the emotional impact of the poem.

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Central to this is the effective use of metaphors, as seen in the line 'the damaged, porcelain collar-bone.' This metaphor accentuates the fragility and preciousness of the husband's collarbone, symbolizing the wife's need to handle him with utmost care. The choice of 'porcelain' amplifies the vulnerability of the husband, emphasizing the delicate role the wife plays in his recovery.

The narrative style, resembling a recount, allows the speaker to reflect on the evolving relationship with her husband. The metaphorical depiction of "the frozen river that ran through his face" paints a vivid picture of emotional coldness and stagnation induced by the husband's trauma. Another poignant metaphor, 'The parachute silk of his punctured lung,' draws a parallel between damaged military parachutes and the perceived uselessness of the man in his current emotional state—devoid of feeling, as suggested by 'the frozen river running through his face.'

Personal Reflection

'Manhunt' serves as a poignant exploration of the enduring impact of war on both the individual and intimate relationships, prompting readers to reflect on the lasting scars left by conflict. The line "the hurt of his grazed heart" encapsulates the emotional pain reverberating throughout the poem. Armitage's meticulous use of form, structure, and imagery collectively contributes to a powerful narrative that invites readers to empathize with the profound struggles faced by those attempting to rebuild lives shattered by the traumas of war.

As we delve deeper into the emotional landscape of the poem, it becomes evident that 'Manhunt' is not merely a reflection on the aftermath of war but a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. The wife's careful navigation of her husband's physical and emotional wounds mirrors the broader human capacity for healing and connection. It is a stark reminder that even in the face of immense trauma, the bonds of love and understanding have the potential to mend what war has torn asunder.


In conclusion, 'Manhunt' transcends its role as a literary work to become a poignant commentary on the universal themes of trauma, resilience, and the transformative power of human connection. Armitage's masterful use of literary devices and nuanced storytelling contributes to a narrative that lingers in the minds of readers, prompting a deeper contemplation of the profound human experiences encapsulated within the lines of the poem.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Trauma and Intimacy: Analysis of Simon Armitage's 'Manhunt'. (2016, Apr 25). Retrieved from

Trauma and Intimacy: Analysis of Simon Armitage's 'Manhunt' essay
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