Armitage's Violent Verse: 'Hitcher' & 'Gooseberry'

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Simon Armitage, a renowned contemporary poet, delves into the theme of violence in various poems, including 'Hitcher' and 'Gooseberry Season.' The former, 'Hitcher,' seemingly revolves around the encounter between a driver and a hitchhiker, portraying an escalating series of events leading to an act of brutal aggression. The speaker, distinctly identified as the male inside the car, unravels a narrative that captures a day gone wrong, propelled by frustration and a sense of rebellion against the constraints of societal norms.

'Hitcher': Unveiling the Unraveling Day

The poem 'Hitcher' introduces us to a male character grappling with the pressures of work, coerced by his boss to attend work despite his inclination to take time off. This forced adherence to corporate routine incites a sense of resentment and rebellion within him, setting the tone for the turbulent events that follow. Armitage employs vivid imagery to depict the sudden inclusion of a hitchhiker in the speaker's car, amplifying the theme of chance encounters leading to drastic consequences.

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The use of the word "krooklok" within the poem carries a sinister undertone, hinting at the unexpected eruption of violence. However, the choice of weapon appears impulsive, suggesting the protagonist's spontaneous eruption of anger rather than premeditated malice. This impulsive act contrasts with the calculated planning one might expect from a premeditated assault. Furthermore, Armitage's use of the word "ansaphone" instead of 'answer phone' serves to individualize the speaker, portraying his desire to stand apart from conventional societal norms, symbolizing his divergence from the corporate world.

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The Language and Stylistic Elements

Armitage employs various stylistic elements in 'Hitcher,' adding depth and complexity to the narrative. The use of personification, as observed in the line "the ansaphone kept screaming," imbues the inanimate object with human characteristics, reflecting the speaker's heightened emotional state. This anthropomorphism serves to intensify the scene, amplifying the tension and turmoil experienced by the protagonist.

Furthermore, the poet's strategic use of enjambment in the lines "I let him have it on the top road out of Harrogate –once with the head then six times with the krooklok in the face – and didn’t even swerve" accentuates the rapidity and brutality of the assault. The fragmented structure of the lines mirrors the abruptness of the attack, conveying a sense of immediacy and lack of remorse, further underscoring the speaker's detached and callous demeanor.

'Gooseberry Season' and Themes of Violence

Additionally, in 'Gooseberry Season,' another of Armitage's poems dealing with violence, a different facet of aggression emerges. The poem explores the domestic setting and the undercurrents of violence within a seemingly ordinary scenario. Armitage intricately weaves together elements of tension, resentment, and aggression simmering beneath the facade of domesticity, unraveling the complexities of human relationships and the darker impulses that can lurk within.


Simon Armitage's exploration of violence in 'Hitcher' and 'Gooseberry Season' showcases the multifaceted nature of aggression and its manifestations within different contexts. Through vivid imagery, nuanced language, and carefully constructed narratives, Armitage invites readers to contemplate the underlying triggers, impulsive reactions, and societal constraints that contribute to acts of violence. These poems serve as poignant reflections on the human condition, urging us to delve deeper into the complexities of emotions and circumstances that culminate in such extreme actions.

Armitage's adept manipulation of language, coupled with his astute observation of human behavior, renders his poetry a compelling commentary on the volatile interplay between individual psyche and societal pressures, challenging readers to confront uncomfortable truths about human nature.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Armitage's Violent Verse: 'Hitcher' & 'Gooseberry'. (2016, Dec 21). Retrieved from

Armitage's Violent Verse: 'Hitcher' & 'Gooseberry' essay
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