Manage Theory and Practice

Categories: BusinessTheory

Communication is one of the most important dynamics in the field of HRM because effective communication in an organization creates better understanding of the company’s vision and goals and leads to the achievement of these goals effectively. Effective communication is highly necessary to achieve positive behaviour of employees in the organization. It can become effective by emphasizing upon the interpersonal communication in the organization to resolve HR issues in the company.

This interpersonal communication channel provides better mutual understanding between the workforce which reduce cultural barriers and information is clearly understood by all the employees (Gannon, 2009).

Organizations can conduct interviews in the organization at regular weekly intervals, where the problems of employees belonging to diverse backgrounds are discussed with the manager or head of department and feedback of all employees is given importance.

Feedback should be considered very important to avoid ineffective communication which often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings (Ball, McCulloch, Frantz & Minor, 2006). Answer. no. 2 The importance of budgetary controls becomes noticeable when organizations maintain inappropriate budgets for the year and face crucial issues in managing the funds.

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Budgets are financial plans which cover a specific time period and should be controlled to minimize inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the given time period.

A budget control strategy can help in bringing actual performance of the business into line with planned performance. There are two methods of budgetary control are Zero based budgeting which is budgeting method that requires managers to justify their entire budget request in detail instead of refereeing to previous years’ budget amounts.

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It is most effective method to control each amount and budget item for accurate results and Variable budgeting is flexible budget that links the amount of resources required with the organizational activity according to the level of production each year.

If organizations are able to control their budgets, then it can help in maintaining a good liquidity position which is the ability of the company to liquid its assets. Also, an organization that has stable financial records has more chances of survival in today’s global environment and hence budgets that give results closer to actual performance greatly affect the financial records (Borrington & Stimpson, 2004). Answer. no. 3 Technology can be defined as the new revolution in today’s world which is gaining great importance for the use of human beings in all their spheres of life.

Technology has greatly helped business organizations to improve their business processes and operations in a speedy and effective way. The automation and speed are they keys of technological advancement today which has helped organizations become highly competitive in the global business environments. Companies should be able to plan effectively for the technology they require for their business processes and how it can lead to efficiency and minimization of costs and time (Schein, 2000).

In today’s highly competitive environment, companies can achieve sustainable competitive advantage by becoming more efficient through technology. For example, the revolution of E-Commerce has significantly helps companies to target bigger markers and larger customer base globally through internet websites and E-Commerce applications (Turban, 2004). Answer. no. 4 Motivation is the inner state that causes a person to act in aw ay that leads to the achievement of specific objectives.

The key beliefs that affect people’s motivation are monetary rewards, non monetary rewards, appreciation for work, responsibility, authority, and individual employee growth. These are the major beliefs why people get motivated towards work and if these are provided in a combined package, it can increase the motivational level of the human resource in the organization (Ball, McCulloch, Frantz & Minor, 2006). Organizations use different motivational theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Mc Gregor’s X and Y theory, Equity Theory, Porter-Lawler Theory and Alderfer’s ERG Theory.

All these theories help in changing individual’s behavior and thinking towards work and make them motivated and satisfied with their work in the organization. There are several jobs that motivate employees mainly the job that requires leadership, taking responsibility for work and mot importantly team work (Hsu & Tsuen, 2000). Answer. no. 5 Change has become an important phenomenon for organization’s today due to the changing trends and dynamic global market that has forced organizations to change their organization structure, policies, objectives, technology and organizational culture.

This change should be permanent and lasting in the long run so that it can stabilize the organization’s position in the business environment (Witkowski, 1998).. There are several steps to achieving effective change which are firstly to have a change agent who is a person who influences and persuades people towards positive change for both individual and organizational growth. Then, it should identify carefully as to which element or function in the organization should be changed whether people, technology or structure.

Organizations must understand and analyze the individual employees’ interest and needs so that it can effectively manage the people to minimize resistance to change. And most importantly, for implementing lasting change, evaluation of the change should be done periodically to analyze and evaluate the situation and impact of change for long term success (Yehuda, 1996). Answer. no. 6 Managing an organization is a highly challenging and crucial task today because in today’s highly competitive and dynamic environment, meeting the changing market trends and demands has become very difficult.

To survive successfully, organizations must focus on their effective planning and management. This requires effective human resource management as human resource is the real assets of the organization and if they are fully utilized, they can greatly contribute towards business success and growth (Hirst & Thompson, 2006). Managing an organization can be done by firstly outlining business long term objectives and plans so that it can work towards achieving them through persuasive and influencing leaders.

Leadership and management of human resource can help maintain relations with the stakeholders of the organization which is highly important to survive successfully by taking care of the interest of all parties. Then, maintaining a motivated and energetic organizational culture for the achievement of positive results which ultimately help in achieving sustainable competitive advantage. If people are managed effectively, then managing the resources and business processes becomes an easier task.

Having an efficient and motivated human resource can contribute greatly towards managing the organization in all times even in global crisis and emergencies (Luthans, 2003).


  1. Ball D. A, McCulloch. H, Frantz . L & Minor. M. S. (2006), International Business (10th Ed), Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill, pp 434-440 Borrington. K & Stimpson. P. (2004), Business Studies (2nd ed. ), Business Operations, pp. 35-51 F. Luthans. (2003)
  2. Organizational Behaviour,Organizational Design and Culture. pp. 561-580 Gannon. M. J. (2009), Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys Through 28 Nations, Clusters of Nations, and Continents, Cross Cultural Differences ( 10th ed.) Hsu & Tsuen. H. , (2000)
  3. Gaining a Competitive Advantage through the Refinement of Measuring Consumer Involvement, Journal of Marketing Management. pp1-6 Hirst, P. & Thompson, G. (2006), The problems of 'globalization': International economic relations, national economic management and the formation of trading blocs. Journal of International Management”, pp. 357–375. Schein, E. H. (2000)
  4. Organizational Culture and Leadership, The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series Turban. E (2004), Electronic Commerce- A managerial perspective, 2nd ed. PrenHall. pp 86-135 Witkowski. T. H. (1998)
  5. Consumer ethnocentrism in two emerging markets: Determinants and Predictive validity. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. No. 25(1) Yehuda. B. (1996), Evaluating Quality and Reputation of Human resource Management, Journal of Management Sciences, Vol. No. 1(2). Pp. 255-269
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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