Brain Scans and Quantum Computers

With AI, machines become an expert at reading brain scans

Scientists at the University of California with the help of UC Berkeley have new research for head scans. They have found tiny hemorrhages in brain scans.

One day this advancement could help people that have strokes and brain damage. This advancement also helps radiologist tremoundly. It produces about 30 images that the radiologist must look at to study and see if the brain is healthy.

The algorithm team only took a second to scan an entire head and find out if there are any signs of homographs.

It also scanned abnormalities within the brain. They found an error that they are working on fixing, but are certain this will change the world.

I think that this is going to be a great advancement to our world, and that it will be used almost everywhere once perfected. it can help people with brain issues or traumatic events that have happened to them.

Some of the things that we have learned in class that remind me of this is that people are creating new technologies all the time that will better our world.

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I truly think that this can better our world, maybe someone has brain trauma and they get help with this and then they are able to communicate and be more logical

Why Quantum Computers Will Be Super Awesome, Someday

Quantum Computers are going to help our world with Augmented reality and Artificial intelligence. Quantum computers will make even the fastest and most powerful computers we have today look very weak.

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These quantum machines will help us find new drugs, speed up improving algorithms and help shape our supply chains. Quantum computers work by using tiny circuits and perform calculations. They also use superposition and entanglement which is a quayum pehomina.

These computers use bits which can perform 0 or 1, they can also use 0 or 1 at the same time. They can do four numbers simultaneously. Engagement is what the computer to process super fast.

I believe that once quantum computers are perfected then they are going to change the technology world forever. This world has come along way with computers, from the abacus to our electricity used computers. We will be able to solve problems that we have much faster or find new solutions for things that we are trying to solve. In my opinion i think this computer will make all the computers we have now nothing.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Brain Scans and Quantum Computers. (2019, Dec 11). Retrieved from

Brain Scans and Quantum Computers essay
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